Someone (or something) is having a feast!!

in Succulent growers2 years ago (edited)


Gerard, the winter storm came some 10 days ago to Spain. His first day was pretty strong, I guess he wanted to show his force and blew as much as he could. A few things on my balcony decided to fly with that wind, among them two orchid plants. It was an immediate sign for me to remove the majority of my plants from the stands and place them on the floor where the wind would not make any damage. Just the giant Aloe Vera stayed in its place, it is not heavy so there was no chance the wind could overturn the pot.


Some of them even finished inside the house as in that rescue operation I noticed that something or someone is having a great feast! I needed to check those better. It was a knife in my heart! The Ruby Blush served as dinner to that nasty thing!! 😱😱😱

Look at these bites! Both on the first photo and on the photo below. Those look like bites from a snail, a bigger insect, a bird or... what it could be?? It is just impossible that it was made by some small bugs. So far, no culprit that I saw, just the dry droppings on some leaves. I think that these bites are not so fresh and that the thing went away. But who knows? I just don't want to think that the Fuzzy will be eaten up entirely.


But I have two more pots of this same plant. Not as nice as the big (mother plant) as these were the branches that were broken when she fell from the stand (if I remember well last year). So, I am thinking of chopping off all these long branches and leaving just those short ones. I could make shorter cuttings from the cut-off parts and place them into the soil.
Would it work out?
It is a bit ugly having this shape.




I also checked the community pot that I made some time ago. Recently I got some new cuttings and placed them there too, with the rest of the baby gang. It is a colourful pot, I mean there is everything 😂 all mixed. Some of these grew from the leaves I placed in the soil and they still have the old leaf but the plant started to grow already so nicely, for example, this one:


Also, these twins still have the leaf from where they are growing. When this leaf was accidentally detached from the mother plant I put it into the soil. I found it interesting because of its shape, having two peaks. And indeed, two little babies are growing from it 😍😍


More details from the same pot...but not many, as I couldn't make good any decent photos of the small plants, too many details and my camera didn't want to focus. Well, it doesn't have a great lens and anyway, we talk here about plants :D


Those new cuttings (placed now in the community pot) are not the only ones I got. There also made a nice road trip and came back to Spain with me. They patiently slept for a few days in a small cardboard box and now are living with the other big plants. They stayed in these pots at the moment. Ok, there is also one cactus, not in the photo right now. But no worries, it also survived 😉



I think this plant will also have to make an appointment with a hairdresser. It grew very long branches and looks like an octopus with 5 long tentacles. 😂 Too long ones.


Should I cut off them and make new, shorter cuttings = new plants? Is it a good idea?



 2 years ago  

Off with their heads! You probably have a hungry grasshopper or perhaps a worm

Yes, a hungry someone. Maybe a worm indeed, I should use magnifying glasses and try to find the culprit!! 🔍 Though it can't be a small one anyway if eats with this appetite 🧐

 2 years ago  

I think the octopus wants to bloom :)
Cut it if you want. It won't harm it. It can get bushier too.

I think it too that it will probably bloom. Thanks, I will most likely cut them and plant the shorter cuttings then. Btw, the lucky bells are full of flowers 😍

Ah this is also a great option, then one can plant them again at another pot or at the community pot :)

Por qué tenemos plantas similares? Oh, esto es una provocación del destino. Ya regresé a la vida.

Hahah, por qué? Pues, es un misterio 😉 o como dices, una provocación del destino 😁

Tengo más plantas, si sigo así tendré una jungla en el balcón!

Ya regresé a la vida.


Me alegro por esto @nanixxx 🌟

Hahahahahaha I love the "community pot" they look lovely.
About the last one, you can always cut it and put them all together, but I like to place plants like this on top of a wood surface or so, to make like the "potus" do, invade and decorate the whole area.
I will send a photo to my gardener friend to ask him if he knows what's up with the first one you talked about.
Cheers!! <3

These plants with long branches would be cool if I would have a garden or as you say, place them on the top of a tall thing, so they have space to grow. Only if I would have that space. But, I have to be happy with my balcony and cut back or make haircuts to my plants. 😂
Thanks for doing it, asking what could be the hungry creature 😉🍀

Ah! Maybe I didn't explain myself right. Your idea of a huge garden is great hahaha but with your balcony, one can make miracles :) I mean instead of staying on the floor they can be on top of something, a box a piece of wood, or something, not a big structure, so the long ones are hanging.
But again, is a matter of taste, this is just an idea, I also like them on the floor.

My friend answered me btw! He said that your plantita has a "bichillo" eating their leaves. He told me you could use an "insecticide sistémico" (I better don't translate this one cause I know you understand me :P)
He said that if it's a foreign insect is better than a normal insecticide.

Oh, no! Orchids flew away with the storm? Or did they just fall over?

You have a beautiful collection of succulents. Love your community pot 😍 I'm really unsure what ate your plant, but I doubt it was a snail. I don't think they like the hairy leave like on your plant and also the damage would be much bigger.

Yes to the haircuts! I cut my succulents regularly too when they become so elongated and unsightly. The root ever so easily, as you most likely know, so I just cut and put back into the soil to make my plants bushier or eventually rearrange the whole thing. Looking forward to after haircut update. Probably best to wait till days get longer, as they establish faster then 😘💙

Your community pot gave me idea for yard deco!

Woah those tentacles are loooong, headache to move the pot around without breaking anything.

Luckily succulents heal themself from nasty buggers, but those bitten spots ruined the beauty of it, bad hungry somethingsomething.

Yay, I would love to see your yard one day, I am sure it will be decorated with style and creativity 😍 (I guess you also have a garden that is not for vegetables and crops, so there the flowers would go)

3000 square meters available 😍, although I love winter I am so impatient for spring to arrive.

I can't wait to start planting, and then to host you somewhere under the canopy. (:

3000 square meters available 😍



Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and I will enjoy too when I come 😉

The community pot is eye-catching and to have grown them from clippings is very cool. As far as making an appointment with the hairdresser for the octopus-looking plant, personally, I like it as it is and would leave it to see how much longer the tentacles would grow.

The little ones that have grown from the clippings are my favourite ones.
The "Octopus plant" with the long branches is cool, I love it but I imagine it would prefer to have soil and not balcony tiles to grow... A garden would come in handy for all these plants, I would let them grow as much as they want, though at the moment they live with us in an apartment with a balcony that is becoming a succulent jungle 😁

Oh but I found those tousled ones look beautiful too 🥺🤭 and the babies are super cute! Mini mini succulents 😍 now I want to have succulents and also cactuses too, remember I told you some time ago? Now I have a place 😁 but I see now, taking care of plants is a very serious matter, all of them are delicate and we have to study them for understanding their needs.

The babies are so cute, I know. Love them. 😍
Yes, I remember you told me that you would like to have succulents too, I do remember. Well, now it is the opportunity if you have more space 🙂
But beware, once you start you can't stop hahaha. In no time, they invade our place and we live like in a jungle hahaha (un poco de broma, pero casi es así) 😉

I just heard/read there are flowers like octopuses🤭, However it's beautiful flowers, and I think they will grow well again after cutting

Hahaha, yes, octopus plant hahaha. An invention of mine that came in the moment of writing the post ;)

🤭 Beautiful discovery

😅 🐙 🌱

A hungry tiny creature probably looked for food 😅.. you have cute succulents there😊

I hope at least the plant tasted well 😁 but I also hope that the hungry something will leave alone my plant now 😅

I noticed that something or someone is having a great feast!

Maybe you're not the only one who wants to eat? 🤣
And do not think that only your plants are delicious, mine too! 😋

The ruby blush was placed in the eyes of hungry predators... They feasted on it at the opportunity they got.

The last plants are cute the way they are. I love the little green glow they got.

Yeah, and as it is a nice plant, the hungry predator just attacked. I hope it enjoyed the meal at least 😂

@mipiano What beautiful photos, it reminds me of my mother who loves these types of plants.


Thanks :)

Succulent plants are so nice and not that demanding. Though there is some work when bugs attack them and when we have to fight them back :))

You have beautiful and cute little succulents :) I hope you will find the culprit that eats your plant! 😄 hehe

Still didn't find it... I am hoping he/she/it will go away by itself hahaha

I think this plant will also have to make an appointment with a hairdresser. It grew very long branches and looks like an octopus with 5 long tentacles.

Lol..This part got me laughing out made my day..

Hahaha, I am glad it made you laugh. Bringing some funny descriptions is always good 😉

Hi mam, that plant looks like a cactus. is that some kind of cactus? But I don't see any thorns

These are succulents, and they indeed don't have thorns. I also have some cacti but I didn't take a photo of them.

they have a beautiful shape mam.

Thanks ☀️

These plants are beautiful and small.

They are indeed nice 😊

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