[en] Data for growing succulents of the Haworthia genus

Hello Hivers growers or passionate about the world of succulent plants in this community. In today's growing summary I want to offer you information about the popular genus of succulents known as Haworthia. This genus has more than 50 known species belonging to the Asphodelaceae family. Recently, many of the species in this genus were transferred to another genus called Haworthiopsis, causing a division of the Haworthia genus. The plants of this genus are generally characterized by being herbaceous, small and perennial that form rosettes of very compact fleshy leaves. The leaves usually have a translucent region to allow sunlight to enter. This region is due to the fact that in their habitat they generally grow buried in sandy substrates, only exposing this region of the leaves to the elements. Currently there are hundreds of hybrids that are marketed throughout the world. The flowering of this group of plants is not of commercial importance since they present almost no variations.

Two specimens of the Haworthia genus in the collection:



Tips for growing Haworthia in the garden:

  • It is extremely important that they do not receive direct sun as they may suffer burns. Grow under filtered sunlight.
  • The substrate must have very good permeability to avoid root rot.
  • Irrigation should be applied after the substrate has completely dried for better growth results.
  • Mainly affected by mealybugs, mites, insect larvae, wild birds, mollusks and fungi.
  • They are easily propagated by separating shoots or by seeds.
  • Do not expose them to temperatures below 8⁰C.

I hope these simple tips are useful to you if you own or want to add a Haworthia to your collection.