|| Clean planet- 469 || Bawal's lap is full of medicinal properties

in Photocircle9 months ago

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Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you and your family are well. Welcome all of you to my 3Speak Vlog. Today is a very good day, because the weather is very beautiful today. That's why today I left my house to go to a natural place. Because today I am very happy. I like this kind of environment very much. The place where I have come today is very big. And it is natural too. Here you must have seen many big trees. And the wind is also blowing very fast, which is going to blow you into the sky. And the trees are also shaking very fast with the wind. As if they are celebrating. It is about to rain, the clouds are also looking very good. As if they are saying that rain is going to come very soon. And you might also be hearing the sound of birds. Which feels quite good. And it feels very good to work in such a natural place.

Today I have come to a place full of natural trees, where I saw a tree which is very full of thorns. Whose name is the Bawal tree, on which you can see bites. But this tree produces sap which is very useful for us. This gundar is used at many places. My mother told me that when our hands and feet ache, we should consume Bawal Gunder. Because there is a lot of trouble in the midst of chaos. Therefore our body gets a lot of benefits. And through this video I have shown you the tree of chaos and also the Gunder. In such a situation, Bawal trees grow very big.

How did you all like my vlog and did you like the information I gave about the Bawal tree? You can also tell me by commenting.

Thank you all for visiting my vlog.

@solarisfuture @cleanplanet @resonator

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nice vlog man you can see that day by day temperature is increasing and climate change is the main reason. Earth has people like you and you are the special gift for earth.

Yes bro, you are right, the temperature keeps increasing day by day. If we continue spreading garbage like this even today, the day is not far when we may die from the heat.

There is a very natural place where the wind is blowing a lot. Thank you for going to such a nature filled place and completing the cleaning mission today.

This place is very natural. And today it felt good to clean the garbage from this place.

Natural places and trees are our wealth.From trees we get many natural medicines which are very useful for human body.So we all should protect natural places and trees.You are constantly protecting natural places and trees by cleaning which is very commendable work.

Yes bro, you are right, we get many natural medicines from trees, but humans have forgotten these things. And he is busy cutting trees.

There are a lot of big trees around you, I can hear the sound of the wind, you choose great areas for cleaning purposes. I appreciate your hard work great job.

The wind is blowing very strong today. And the trees are also smiling a lot. thank you

You are welcome

You have done a great job of cleaning a very beautiful place with green garbage and making people aware of it by putting it in a designated place. Thank you very much.

Nature makes us happy and calm. Your words show us a peaceful place. Keep sharing your happy times