Wow, that's amazing! I'm quite jealous too, although I'd probably be terrified at the same time haha. Last April, this guy filmed a hammerhead hunting after a stingray in shallow waters in Cozumel. El Cielo. Only a few weeks before that, we were snorkeling in that exact same spot! We hardly saw anything that time, but when we stopped at a beach to have a break, we were all in shallow water and there must have been around 50 stingray just floating by, some came closer to see what we were doing.
I was just telling my son to look to the left as three were swimming past, when I felt something bump into me on the right. A stingray! Haha. He/she must have thought: You're in my way, I'll just push you a bit.
Not sure how I would have responded if he would have been followed by a hammerhead shark though, hahaha.
It was an amazing experience.
But here's the video of the hammerhead in Cozumel.
Not sure if the stingray got away.
Hi misslasvegas
Sry it took so long to respond to ur comment, life has been getting in the way of hive recently.
That is really cool that you snorkelled where the Hammerhead has been chomping on the stingray 😂 P.s. I totally get why you might not have wanted to see the shark. Lol, even this mad Brit might not want to bump into one while snorkelling. They're safer to be around when scuba diving tbh as you're on their level beneath the waves 🦈
Much safer...hahaha, I love it. Safe sharks...that's a great one. But yeah, I get what you mean. They're more inclined to try and take a bite if you're above them.
There was one moment when I was getting quite nervous snorkelling in that area actually.
It was when the guide came with us, and told us to swim to a different area.
I think we swam around 150 meters or something, so it wasn't that crazy but pretty much from the beginning, I was pushing and pulling my son along, who wasn't a great swimmer yet at the time. The rest of the group was swimming and snorkelling ahead of us, and at some point, they must have been around 100 meters in front of us. Of course, I didn't do any snorkelling in that spot because I couldn't do 2 things at the same time.
It took a while for the guide to notice but when we caught up, he finally did and told my son he could hold on to the lifesaver ring he had with him, so I could do some snorkelling without having to drag him along.
In that time while we were trying to catch up, my heart was racing in numbers right?
And that was close to that spot, so when I saw this video later I did think of that moment haha.
Especially since they also said that 'hammerheads often frequent shallow waters in Cozumel to wait for their favourite meal, the stingray.' Well, good thing I don't look like a stingray then haha.
Ha ha, yeah... safer is definitely the word... as opposed to safe 😉
@raj808(1/3) gave you LUV. H-E tools | my wallet | discord | community | <>< NFT for Peace
By the way...Two of my greatest fears (WHAT is that @misslasvegas? You have fears?😆) were always to be eaten by an animal or to be swallowed up in an earthquake (you know: where the ground splits open and you fall in). When I was a kid I actually had nightmares about this. And no, it wasn't because I watched too many movies...I grew up in a household where watching TV was a rare occurrence. The Muppets Show on Sundays, and Star Trek Enterprise with my Dad. No sharks or earthquakes in that. I don't know. It's probably irrational fears, or a dream from a former life but it has always made sure that I had a healthy respect for both...
Great minds think alike, or perhaps... lunatics rarely differ 😉 I have had dreams of being eaten alive by a tiger since I was a small child, and even used this experience as inspiration for a character in my latest short story routine procedure.
It sparks a memory of a recurring dream I had as a child of being eaten alive by a tiger.
I could feel my bones crunch and my limbs being torn apart. As I was being devoured, there was a switch, a strange sensation, a duality of thought. I felt my body change, like a spring of death uncoiled.
The pads of my feet tingled in the spreading pool of warmth. I could taste and smell a coppery tinge as my teeth chewed briefly on a slip of muscled meat, could feel my powerful neck bracing against a weight as I dragged away something that hung limply to the side of my head. A misty image would form out of the darkness, of my face half-eaten, bobbing lifelessly in front of my eyes.
That excerpt is lifted directly from the story, and before that, it was minded directly from my loopy subconscious.
Lol, being normal is lame and boring... I'd much rather have this type of crazy to draw upon for inspiration than be 'normal' 🤣
Haha, I like both 😆
But hold on! I don't get it. Part of that story...
Now you're making me read it all at 6 in the morning. Pfff. LOL.
THANKS. That's just fracking sauce awesome!😉
But yes, I agree: Normal is boring.
Lol, you don't have to read it all... especially at 6 am in the morning 😂
That's why I dropped an excerpt. Oh, wait, yeah and a sneaky link.