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RE: Berkat 🍽 Javanese Religious Meal 🍽 #DashOutSunday

in ReggaeJAHM4 years ago (edited)

That’s a lot of culture. Sounds kinda Buddhist the way certain things are done days after the death. The levels of reaching to heaven or something like that?

 4 years ago  

So... I've never asked the why... 😅🙈. I only took it as "ok so that's what they do." But I should definitely ask more though, even if it's not my religion.

And indeed, the Javanese religion or "West prayers" (in contrast to Muslims Javanists pray to the West or something like that) is a mix of budhism, hinduism, (maybe) islam. I've even seen plays of the Ramayan played by Javanese people.


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