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RE: Ackee & Salt-fish Tortillas

in ReggaeJAHM • 2 years ago (edited)

😃This is such a good idea. Almost like ackee patties. I love especially Linstead Market ackee. Never tried it with tortilla. I’ll try it when I get a ton of ackee. Lol’
Looks like an irie meal and a great way to celebrate a Jamaican Christmas. 🎶

 2 years ago (edited) 

Yea man the linsted market ackee don't mash up as much as others. Heard about a brand from Haiti that have some thick ackees. Longing to eat fresh from a tree 🌳

You know @missaj have the link, him seem to be getting Jamaican goods all the time.

 2 years ago  

Is true. They’re firm. You know I didn’t fancy picking access but would pick some now.😂😂
Jamaica is calling my name. I need a trip. I might have to link @missaj to get some of his. 😂😂