are you serious or are you dumb why would i report it to facebook in the first place i never knew that someone on facebook would post a picture that belonged to me if it werent specified by u guys on here . i am the person who took the picture i still dont see why i should report it to facebook i did not copyright the picture nor do i own a patent to it they did not use a picture of me they just used a picture that belonged to me which i posted publicly back in the day if a picture of me was used then i would report it because that would be identity theft .
and lemme make it very clear i never knew that picture would be used by someone else if u had not mentioned it to me so guess what i am not gonna try and prove nothing more to nobody if u wanna keep me blacklisted fine go ahead oh and u want to ban me right then go ahead oh and one more thing its not just sunshinedestiny tours that has my pic its two other tour operators that have used in other occassions so u expect me to walk atound reporting them for what to prove my worth to you fuck no i dont prove myself to nofuckingbody no more im a jamaican and why the fuck would i treat my own people bad by reporting them for petty shit like using a picture of mine and the source u mentioned was sunshinedestinytours ill give you another source i found that has used my pic the exact pic the 2nd source is tomlinson tours go check that out to wonder how comes they have the exact copy picture that posted its pretty amusing
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