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RE: #APART A Picture & A Reggae Tune

in ReggaeJAHM5 years ago

Great, this initiative allows many to participate, it's a good time to relax with good music, think positively and leave aside, even for a moment, the somewhat complicated reality. This is what this initiative allows us to do.
Congratulations @reggaejahm for taking it up again, hopefully many will join in.

Music is life and our experiences bring out memories & the melodies.

I like this phrase, it's totally true. A song can take you to many spaces and times.

Thanks for the mention.
My support with upvote and reblog.

 5 years ago  

Thanks @josevas217. It is indeed a relaxing type of content, thanks for helping to roll out the initiative with your great APART posts and support. It is much appreciated.