Wonderful story. Point of order - if you find things in Japan and don’t turn it in , you can be arrested if someone reports it lost or missing and you are found. There is also an unspoken / spoken (not sure) rule that you should give a 30% reward to the person for their efforts to give you back your things. Most people reject it.
I have lost things and have them returned. I once lost a wallet though and it was returned without the money (I think the staff took it) it was in a place like @dmilliz found that 7gs. Based on my interaction with them , I had reasons to believe they got it back with the cash but shared it. But I was happy to receive all my cards and important docs- they took their reward - I was grateful 😊
I like how you trod careful and said " In a place like dmilliz found the 7g" LOL.
Yes sah them tek them reward and gaaawn or the person that gave it in, or somebody else found tek the funds and dash it back. So you see, me using the 7g and buying people drinks is justified in that environment. The karma was eliminated when the money was put to use to make other happy LOL .
@bearmol, I know you not a club man, but knowing what I know about that culture, I did what was practical and in line with the flow.
I understand your decision @dmilliz. Its interesting that the less than honest experiences or the perception of dishonesty that you and @missaj had were not in Japanese owned establishments. It begs the question what is it about the culture that makes honesty in situations like this the norm.
It may have something to do with the law/rule that @missaj hinted at coupled with the fact that there are cameras in most public spaces. Or it could just be that the culture has high standards of morality in situations like the one in question.
Haffi trod careful on these internet streets 😂
Lol. Have to bro