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RE: Discussion Session : Tourist Enjoy the Island While Jamaicans On Lockdown?

in ReggaeJAHM3 years ago

It’s a delicate balance act that the government has to carry out. If you don’t honor your contact , you will face huge lawsuits and the works. On the other hand , I understand the feeling of the man on the ground - how can they go abd enjoy my nice recreation spots when I’m not allowed to leave my house ? The vendors also have a legitimate gripe , why can’t we eat a food when the big man can ?
So many factors to consider that I wouldn’t want to be the one to make these decisions at this time.

No movement days are hard on the regular man because many Jamaicans earn a living via daily wages. No work means no money. Moreover, the govt has not provided any kind of support in cash or kind recently to help the common man to cross this current hurdle.
As such , if there is potential for the craft vendors to safely eat a food and for other small business owners to benefit while the government honor their contractual agreements, the powers that be should do all they can to mage if happen.
It’s a difficult situation and the government will not do anything that everybody will be happy with but what they do should not only benefit the rich and powerful.

 3 years ago  

It is a very hard balancing act as you have to take all parties into consideration and too many moving parts. The no movement days is something I cant believe exists, I guess if we were down there in it we would feel it more and be more on the "how the tourists free up so side".

The thing is, even if you free up everybody, even the small biz man for that day, there would still be complaints about tourist roaming freely spreading covid

Speaking bout craft vendors, I saw a Japanese site that supporting them by selling their art. would love to do something like that. Though I still have crafts I couldn't sell from way back when.

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

 3 years ago  

I think I know the site you are referring to. It is run by a Bonafide Sistren who love Yawd like jerk chicken. It would be good to help out like that but unfortunately many ppl from Yawd nuh catch di vision when we tell dem certain tings. Like I try to get some on here but they prefer to give their content away 🤷🏿‍♂️

 3 years ago  

Yeah, and a lot of the times when we try do things a yaad and we not there so much can go wrong. Is a good thing you sistrin doing.

Bwoi, because it hard to trade crypto a yaad it turn off nuff people, but these who tek them time find a way shall se a much brighter day.