eine kleine Zählung der Schachbevölkerung

in Regional Press3 years ago

There will be transfers, registrations and acceptance of bets.

Let's start with https://ecency.com/hive-157286/@pereu4ivatel/a-small-census-of-the
I welcome different languages, so for each clear translation into 1 more, karma is also burned, which corresponds to 3-5 games won

un pequeño censo de la población de ajedrez

if you want to:

  • sometimes* get additional tokens for playing in existing 5 crypto tournaments - you need to join the kingdom on chess.com & lichess
  • not mentioned - whistle for me to truncate the @ (leaves in the game and statistics) or remove the name from future tables
  • play any day at a convenient time at your own speed - vote on the dPoll (https://dpoll.io/detail/@pereu4ivatel/convenient-time/)
  • test an alternative model of self-government to the state - just like it
  • find out if you will issue decrees - win a prize and pass a political orientation test
  • feel like an athlete - form and share the daily prize pool
  • bet on players - wait, not all at once
  • burn 10 karma points - thematic post/repost, translation into 1 more language

The first "hundred" who completed any item without swinging - gets into the šqueendom for free:)

if you contemplate the familiar in the table repeatedly or 0 times - report

forced page translationhover translation

If the indicated translation options did not cope with my spelling - whistle, I will translate into your language

бліжайшие кріптурнірыupcoming cryptournamentspróximos criptorneosGMT
Fri, 20 Hivechess Tournament (@stayoutoftherz)Sat, 20 Blitz Chess (@schamangerbert)Sun, 19 CBL (@chessbrotherspro) & PizzaChess (@cryptoniusraptor) - 21GMTMon, 20:15 CHECKMATE COIN (@hive-129589)

those who have not awakened will be filtered out, and integration into the lі-chess wing of the šqueendom will become conditionally paid

*cryptours that meet šroyal standards


@antipops Great post, congratulations!
Thank you for the tag!

What do you mean by burning Karma points?

это 1 из вариантов статистики, который я предлагал, а потом использовал в прошлом году. Но наверное его слегка модифицирую.this is one of the options for statistics that I proposed and then used last year. But I'll probably modify it a bit.
По аналогии с ecency балы набираются за разное, но для арифметических удобств не плюсуются, а вычитаются от динамического стартового числаBy analogy with @ecency, points are scored for different things, but for arithmetic convenience they are not plused, but subtracted from the dynamic starting number