My Wife's Business - Queen Bee Cleaning LLC

in Regional Press3 years ago (edited)

My wife @QueenBee1977 in her work coat and shirt...

Why Not?

Recently, I have been posting about how regardless of how things are going for me personally, I still have obligations to my wife and our customers to get work done. Our business started about two years ago, is currently doing about 80K a year in business, and even when I do not feel like going out and working, customers still want things done. You see, if I don't do them, then bills will not get paid, and that is just not good. Unfortunately, the work we do is not exactly something that you guys are going to want to read about. I mean, we run a cleaning company that also does move-out painting jobs and other small home repairs for our customers. Since my time is being used to work, I figured why not share a few photos of what I am doing. If you have never had drywall dust boogers, let me tell you, you are not missing anything great!

Lotsa Repairs!

Let's Begin!

Whenever we have moveout paintings to do, the first step is to prep the walls for painting. In this particular apartment, the former residents had put a bunch of nail holes in the walls, not to mention lag bolts for hanging televisions. There was a lot of patching to do before we could even get started, and that is what we did yesterday, the first round of prep. Today, I had to sand all the patches we did yesterday.

Holes Galore!

As you can see, I was not kidding.


The hallway...


The back bedroom...


The other bedroom...

As you can see there was a lot of sanding to do before I could even begin to see what patches needed to have more mud. Again, if you have never sanded drywall mud, you are missing an absolutely horrible experience. Wearing a mask does not help, as the dust is very fine. It is hard to clean up and gets everywhere. Here, let this next picture explain what I am talking about...

Look like fun to breathe and work in, right?

Good Times!

As you can see, it is not fun to work in this dust, nor is it great to breathe it in. At the end of the day, you get big boogers and are covered in dust. Here let me give you an example of what a person looks like when doing this all day...

Covered in dust, but paying the bills...

Commercial Contracts...

The company we are working for doing this particular painting job is a property management company. They mostly run properties for other property owners, however, this particular building is one they own by themselves. That means that when they need something done, they do not need an estimate first, they just tell us to go out and get the job done, then send them a bill. They pay us twice a month, which took some getting used to, but now, they are the bread and butter for our company. The residential cleanings are still great, but as far as pay goes, I would much rather do commercial work any day! Well, there ya go, what I am up to when I am not home doing interweb stuff. I hope you liked this, and as always...

Thank You For Reading!


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