Hey, thanks for the review man 😎
"The rewards pool is topped up for each tournament so that is the best time to get those rewards"
The prize pool is about $ 100 per month and it doesn't matter anymore when it's auto-topped up as the Hive rewards are enabled only during the 4 tourneys (with yours on Saturdays having double rewards 🔥)
There is some extra cushion in there, too. And it will keep growing with more refill systems.
"Rewards for best KDR, most kills and most wins do change up so just check the tournament details on the day for rewards."
Now we are sticking with these rewards and prizes, so it's easier for players to know what they are playing for 😉
Plus, about $ 25 per weekend in sponsored tokens.
All weekends are already booked by sponsors for 3+ months already! 💥
Thanks for the extra information.
Look everyone, even more reason to play crypto shots