
I can agree. But this is a web3 games only contest....

Some people think it's decent.. 🙂

But I can't play your game, the UI/UX is some of the worst I have ever navigated, its so weird and not user-friendly at all oOOhh, I know. @caspermoeller89 fking shills your game every single tournement haha xD

LOL well done @caspermoeller89 😆

not user-friendly at all

Isn't the UI the last thing that games fix? (it's still in alpha for PvP and beta for PVE)

The UI before the game is the first thing people see and its very confusing on how to get into a game. Could be fixed so easily x)

Ingame isn't the worst, but its just a browser game which fucks up my controls which I am used too :D

PvE supports most controllers and PvP supports the xbox controller, if that's of any help

What are you talking about?

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Hahaha xD

Jeg sutter pænt meget til det stadig, især sammenlignet med nogle af dem der spiller.. men jeg fik da 4 HIVE ud af det i dag (mindst)

Fordi det er et Website game, hvis jeg laver nogle taste komboer, så trykker jeg på alt muligt. Det kan jeg sgu ikke vende mig til xD