What is Rising Star?
Rising Star is music themed blockchain game on HIVE where you start as a lowly busker and work your way up to a global super star!
Do Missions and earn Starbits ingame currency which can be traded or used to purchase Card Packs to collect NFT cards which gives you Fans and Skill points to earn more Starbits!
The Cards are fictious characters or well-known streamers or people from the HIVE community. Many Cards are related to other Community Projects like Hive.Pizza (Pizzabike) or ONEUP (JuanUp).
Level up for the progress of your musician career, try to form a Band and start a County Tour.
Rising Star cards are NFTs and can be traded on in the ingame market or on 3rd Party websites like NFTM.art.
Starbits can be traded on several Hive Engine Exchanges like Tribaldex or Leodex.
My Progress
In my last update post 4 months ago I was LVL 40 and tried to get to LVL 50 with music lessons for the Starbits Millionaire Mission. I have achieved my Goal and I am now already LVL 93 and bought hold my 1 million Starbits in my wallet to do the Millionaire mission every day to receive 10.000 Starbits which is equals a pack per Day. I am always saving up until I have 100k to make a bulk purchase of 12 Packs to get additional 2 packs for free compared to single pack purchase.
After some discussions in the Discord I noticed that the XP Boosts are not adding +10XP / +50XP / +100XP add up with summarize what I thought at first. They are giving a lot higher boost in XP because they work with a percentage multiplication. This unknown secret became really fast known which caused the price to go up really fast.

All XP Boosts are out of print and I managed to buy 1 +50XP Boost for 204 HIVE on 23rd February, what was a bit under average price for the month. It wasn't cheap, but looking at todays prices it was a good decision. The additional boost in XP for my missions made me leveling a lot faster and so I could already reach the 3rd Zone in the game.
To get access to the 3rd Zone you must be lvl 75 and have at least 1500 fans to get access to the Band Audition Mission.
The Mission takes 4h and the odds are 20% for succeed to find a band member and you need 4 of them to form a full band for the County Tour. I was lucky and had to do this Mission only 12 times until I had every Band Member.
I am in the 3rd Zone the County Tour and progess is slowing down because for the third Mission I already need level 100 to continue.
For the Band Rehearsal Mission I had to buy a Rehearsal room and for Full Band Support Mission it's required to have 5pcs of Petrol Cans. Both are sold from Risingstargame, the room for 10k Starbits and the Petrol cans for 5k each.
Pack Openings & Stats

During my Trip to the 3rd zone I have purchased 48 packs with my Starbits I have earned. Most of this came from the Millionaires Mission. I was not really lucky with my Cards I only got 1 Epic Musician and 1 Epic Instruments which don't give me any Fans or Skill I need and is lower priced in the Market.
I have opened 24 Packs after the Easter Event Start and I was at least lucky to get 1 S34 Pascala, so I can do the Easter Missions. I was really happy about this because it was my first Event Card I have received from my own packs.
Right after that the 2nd Birthday Event started with the Special Mission to get a Birthday Cake Card which works like a Pizza Slice, but only has 12hours cooldown instead of the 24 hours.
The Mission costs 30k Starbits and compared to the Pizza Slice it's triple the price for the cake with only 2 times more Energy per Day. But the Card is a limited Event Card and everyone wants to have a full Card Collection :)
My current stats right now are:
Cards: 325
Total Fans: 11910 | Total Luck: 3036 | Total Skill: 17719 | Total IM: 191 |
from Cards | Skill from Cards: 7223 | ||
Skill from Lessons: 10496 |
My Goals
I try to get to level 100 to unlock the next step of my career the Full Band Headline mission. During the Easter Event I try my luck with doing some special missions every day to get the limited Easter Event Cards, which won't be available again after the Event. I doubt that I will be able to get 10 Cards for the Blending event, but let's see maybe I am lucky enough!
With my daily Starbits earnings I have already collected the next 100k for another Pack bulk purchase and I want to get another Birthday Cake Card during the event last. I believe if the player base continues to grow or all the lower level players earn more Starbits the future price will be higher than the 30k Starbits. Compared to the Pizza Slices it's also very likely that it won't get lower than 20k Starbits, which is the set value from the game.
I have started with a calculation sheet about the impact of the Fans for the Starbits per mission and I am looking at the potential scaling and earnings with more Fans. With this I will be able to calculate my scaled ROI if I am going to invest additional HIVE in Packs or Single Cards Purchases for Fans.
What are your thoughts and strategies in Rising Star?

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This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game
The NFT based music career game built on HIVE
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@nelthari! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.