Na batalha a seguir splinterlands vamos ver o que fazer quando tem pouca mana quais cartas escolher | In the following battle of splinterlands we will see what to do when you have little mana which cards to choose |
Replay - "LOW MANA" - Battle
Geralemnte em partidas com pouca mana os jogadores costuman focar em sumoner de vida ou terra as vezes de agua mas neste caso quando agua é escolhido escolhe o Djin como unica forte nos outros sumoner sao varias carats de pouca mana destrubuida eu foquei em uma defesa contra ataques magicos e meu adversario focou em uam defesa contra ataques fisicos porem vejamos quem usou a melhor estrategia | Generally in games with little mana, players tend to focus on life or earth sumoner, sometimes water, but in this case when water is chosen, the Djin is chosen as the only strong one, in the other sumoner there are several characters with little mana destroyed, I focused on defense against attacks. magicians and my opponent focused on defense against physical attacks, but let's see who used the best strategy |
Apos as habilidades serem ativadas eu tenho defesa contra magicos usando reflect e tenho defesa contra ataques fisicos por causa do escudo dado pela carte lendaria, tenho 2 cartas de ataque fisico porem como a força ja é '1" nao da pra diminuir pra menos que "0" ja que o minimo é "1" logo a habilidade do sumoner dele nao terá efeito nessa partida alem do que usei uma carta que ataca com magico a distancia focando na cartas de cima e nao na primeira posicao, como a carta da primeira posicao tem mutios pontos de vida isso vai da muito trabalho ja que o meu ataque minimo é 1 ate as cartas de cima ser derrotada para assim focar na primeira posicao porem vamos ver o que ocorre no primeiro turno | After the skills are activated I have defense against magicians using reflect and I have defense against physical attacks because of the shield given by the legendary card, I have 2 physical attack cards but as the strength is already '1" it cannot be reduced to less than " 0" since the minimum is "1", so his Summoner's ability will have no effect in this match, and I also used a card that attacks with magic from a distance, focusing on the top cards and not in the first position, such as the card in the first position. It has a lot of life points, this is going to be a lot of work since my minimum attack is 1 until the top cards are defeated so I can focus on the first position, but let's see what happens in the first turn |
No fim do primeiro turno a carta de ataque magico a distancia derortou uma carta e a carta da primeira posicão com reflect vai derrotar a carta de ataque magico do meu adversario fazendo com que eu fique na vantagem e com mais cartas vivas | At the end of the first turn, the ranged magic attack card defeated a card and the card in the first position with reflect will defeat my opponent's magic attack card, giving me the advantage and with more cards alive. |
E no segundo turno apenas sobrou a carta tank do meu adversario que esta com todos os potnos de vida vai demorar 4 turnos para eu derrota-lo porem ele tem 3 de ataque fisico nao sei se manterei vivo por todos esses turnos para derrota-lo | And in the second turn, all that was left was my opponent's tank card, which has all its health, it will take me 4 turns to defeat him, but he has 3 physical attacks, I don't know if I will stay alive for all these turns to defeat him. |
Durante o quinto turno eu perdi a carta que dava escudo a todos os aliados agora meu adversario pode me derrotar apenas com um golpe e como ele tem mais velocidade que todos eu ainda posso perder desde que erre os golpes restantes | During the fifth turn I lost the card that gave shields to all allies, now my opponent can defeat me with just one blow and as he has more speed than everyone else I can still lose as long as he misses the remaining blows. |
e no fim do 6 turno memso com velocidade menor eu venci | in the end the 6 turn even at lower speed i won |
❗️ LAST TIP ❗️
EU venci essa partida graças a carta lendaria que custa 0 de mana se nao fosse ele eu teria perdido mostrando que em partidas com pouca mana eles sao realemnte uteis, agora que o preço dela nao esta tao caro faõ questao de ter um de cada elemento pra q eu possa usa-la como primeiro dano sofrido ou como o ataque da vitoria como foi agora tambem eu tive um pouco de sorte afinal com apenas 1 de velocidade eu poderia ter errado e no fim perdido a partida afinal com habilidade "thorns" se eu tivesse acertado com a ultima carta teria recebido o dano de volta e teria dado empate ou ele atacdo primeiro ja que tinha mais velocidade que todos e eu ainda teria perdido mas geralmente é assim focar em varias cartas que custam menos do que uma unica carta tank parece ser super vantajoso e essa foi a dica da batalha de hoje vejo vc em breve ate lá! | I won this match thanks to the legendary card that costs 0 mana, if it weren't for him I would have lost, showing that in matches with little mana they are really useful, now that its price is not so expensive it's a matter of having one of each element to that I can use it as the first damage suffered or as the winning attack as it was now, I also had a little luck after all with only 1 speed I could have made a mistake and in the end lost the match after all with the "thorns" skill if I If I had hit with the last card I would have received the damage back and it would have been a draw or he would have attacked first since he had more speed than everyone and I would still have lost but generally it's like this to focus on several cards that cost less than a single tank card it seems be super advantageous and that was the tip of today's battle, see you there soon! |
❗️ Habilidades da partida ❗️
❗️ Match Skills ❗️
![]() | you cant use archer cards |
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