skybuds-gaming cross-posted this post in THGaming 3 years ago

Blockchain Gaming With Skylinebuds - Splinterlands Gameplay -

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What a day, I still had some rental from yodin and just a great stream, Still working to bring people to vimm and the stream but I don't mingle enough in discord or have a good schedule down yet. These are plans though lol.

Hive Games


I am still working to push silver rank, This is a slow go but I am climbing nicely on the daily. I should be into silver within the next day or 2 being I am 4-5 wins away. I want to try to get into silver before the 7 day mark as I find that is when it get harder to get wins.


This was one of the yodin battles, I really love how a full team blast can really just rock the other team pretty fast. I have had this happen to me a few times with the BLAST rule set.


Pack Opening

Well, I decided to open a few packs, This was likely not the smartest move as I should have bought some untamed common and rares cards I don't own yet. With the new update, things are about to get nerfed for started cards. I was able to get a few rares and an awesome summoner, just the one I am working to get level 2 of. I am just 1 card away from that.

Daily Prize

With the daily I was not in sivler yet to get 2 chest, I was able to grab a sweet common card. I don't mind the common rewards as I plan tog et a level 10 of each mostly to say I got on and to rent it out.



Rising Star

Not much to report in rising star, I am still on the daily grind doing missons slowly. This is like I sad mostly what will happen form this point on.



Wax Games

Beast Garden

I was able to do 5 battles today, This was 1 free battle and 4 I paid for with tokens. I al really still just grinding this game slowly to earn alpha to buy a few more beasts. I know I should be buying fruit and figuring that system out but I just haven't had time.

Today i went 2wins and 3 losses,

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Blockchain Gaming With Skylinebuds
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Thursdays - 2:00PM - 3:30PM EST
Fridays - 2:00PM - 3:30PM EST
Saturdays - 2:00PM - 3:30PM EST
Sundays - 2:00PM - 3:30PM EST

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