The Fairy Tale of Morocco: Essaouira, the place of Freedom

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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I greet everyone and continue my story about Morocco. This time we will talk about the the Moroccan city of Essaouira, where we went after Marrakesh.

As soon as we entered the city, I immediately realized: freedom lives here. The space, the proximity of the ocean, blue-white buildings, lots of sun and light. It is an indescribable feeling that you have: you finally found freedom. I can hardly express the spirit of the city in words and it's a pity.

The city itself is very colorful. Streets, squares, doors of houses and cafes - all this has its own character. Look how cozy these narrow streets are:

Take a look at these doors. They just fascinated me.If there was a photographer nearby, it would be possible to do an entire session for the magazine. But it was just me, and I'm not a very good photographer.

We went to a cafe in the central square of the city. It serves freshly caught fish, with spices, wow delicious.

And here is the fortress built by the Portuguese in 1506. It was used to protect the city from pirates and conquerors.

Nearby you can see gulls and the Atlantic Ocean.

The fishing port is also very picturesque. It is from here that fresh fish is delivered to cafes and restaurants in the city. It should be noted that most residents of the city earn their living by fishing.

In the 60-70s of the 20th century, Essaouira was not yet such a famous tourist destination as it is now.Hippies, rebels and rock musicians mostly came here. This, for example, is the house where the world's most famous rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix once lived.

Artists also loved this city and even now you can see their canvases for sale right in the city center.

A huge number of freedom-loving cats live in the city. All of them look very picturesque against the background of the ancient city walls.

Well, I was impressed by the spices. They smell just divine.

Of all the cities of Morocco, I liked Essaouira the most. I would also like to live here as a hippie. But unfortunately it's time to move on.

To be continued..

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Ahoy @alenavladi, Essaouira is really cool, your photos reminded me my time spent there... Have you ventured into the Hendrix's village?

Three years ago, time flies...

Hi!:) we didn't venture into Hendrix's village. In fact i was the only person who knows something about Hendrix. All the others were indifferent. I loved his music when i was 17, not even music but the spirit of it.
I read your post about Hendrix. It's great!