Sunrise from Babia Góra is probably the most spectacular known to me (the mountain is very prominent, with nothing higher in miles, the peak is open giving 360 degrees panorama), but it also attracts throngs of viewers. I did the Babia Góra sunrise three times, in the three different seasons of the year, including winter. But watching the spectacle of nature with 100 noisy people around, is not my favorite.
Matyska, which I visited on Saturday, is more than 1000m lower than Babia Góra (!), but no one else had the idea to be there. I was alone, with three friends, one of them aged almost 70. It's magical, mystical, exhilarating experience.
Sunrise from Babia Góra is probably the most spectacular known to me (the mountain is very prominent, with nothing higher in miles, the peak is open giving 360 degrees panorama), but it also attracts throngs of viewers. I did the Babia Góra sunrise three times, in the three different seasons of the year, including winter. But watching the spectacle of nature with 100 noisy people around, is not my favorite.
Matyska, which I visited on Saturday, is more than 1000m lower than Babia Góra (!), but no one else had the idea to be there. I was alone, with three friends, one of them aged almost 70. It's magical, mystical, exhilarating experience.
In similar cases, I tend to feel like I'm "dissolving" into the surrounding landscape.