
Sorry Khun @kaminchan I have not too much time at the moment but I want to share with you what is about to come. It is not good but if the people not stand up nothing will change. This woman is well aware of the dark plan she use to work in the banking for the US gov

Thank you very much for your reply and information. I had listened to some of her interviews before. I’ll look up this new video as soon as possible!

I do wonder if there are many Thai people who are aware of the cabal’ s plan for a ‘reset’. I wonder why there is no discussion on future economic troubles. Surely I think many people must know about the secret groups who are trying to control all.

I hope something will happen to cancel their plans.

Hope for the best!

From what I see most of Thais aren't aware. The Gov cannot do nothing about it or Thailand will become a rogue nation. It is worldwide and France is the country that needs to go down first in their plan. Look at the video below this is what happen in democrat leftist states and also in France and a few other countries in EU, Canada, Australia, NZ. Very shocking, at least in Thailand they are doing the right thing for the people.

Thank you for the update. I think there’s a quiet struggle going on between the dark and light everywhere

Yes, but people must understand that there will be no savior, no heroes, just look at how they smash Trump with lies and with him most of the American people. The only thing that can change the game is a global awakening of the people but I doubt they really open their eyes as it takes time and research also not everybody can accept the truth as it put all the knowledge and ideologies from the system we live in, into the trash, and finally accept to keep eyes open and see things happening for what it is. We both have years of questioning the system and research it, people have a lot to learn and to rethink the whole world system. It takes a lot for people to take on them.