want be a pilot? learn this it will help you: Learn what you need for being a pilot...

in TravelFeed5 years ago

Thunderbird age spring is our only one seven left we don't do it 70 clear to take off change to departure every day clear sports we got one son less efficient, apartments Swayne so about pilot training when you get selected for a pilot slot you'll go through your initial flight screen that's done in Pueblo Colorado.

You'll fly the da20 it's a lawnmower with wings on it but you learn kind of the basics of military flight training then you'll move on to the t6 when you go to one of our pilot training bases and that you'll learn the basics of flying there from instruments to visual applying formation aerobatics sort of your first introduction to it then you'll track select at that point kind of depending on how you did or what you want you to go, t-38s or tonnes or you go start to fly out helicopters and if you go, t-38 so I can speak to that because I was at-38 instructor pilot but that's the fighter-bomber track you'll basically up to double the speed and double the g's at that point and then it's t1 you start developing more of a crew concept and learn how to fly some of the cargo and then eventually once you're done and so overall it's about a year total of pilot training.

But close to the end of that year you get your assignment at that point and so that is when you will go if you're in the t-38 you'll go fly f-16s or 22s or B, ones or something like that and then for the t1 you'll go flight c---seventeens or kc-135s one of the cargo type aircraft a little bit be the brown shadow the Thunderbirds were founded in 1953 and have been used in the f-16 as their primary demonstration aircraft since 1983, they're known for flying extremely tight formations as close as 18 inches apart in front of millions of spectators annually one of my earliest memories is being one of those wide-eyed kids at my first airshow having.

The Thunderbirds fly over and I can without adults say it is one of the biggest reasons that I became a pilot all right I'm ready now, dan roll there's a corkscrew the first step in becoming a pilot in the United States Air Force is to get your commission in the United States Air Force and that's how you become a lieutenant there's three different paths towards going towards that the first is you go can go to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs second you can do.

The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps which happens at universities across the nation and finally if you already have your bachelor's degree you can go to what's called Officer Training School which is down in Alabama let's do an inverted client take the blood did you come so you so for service commitments when you graduate pilot training you get a ten-year commitment so as soon as they hand you your wings you also get a ten-year service commitment so when you're done with that you can choose to continue and if you choose to continue.

Typically as you get older and higher in rank you'll fly less and less sometimes you'll get some more of that leadership positions like commander squadron commanders Group commanders things like that some of those roles do you have a flying attached to it and some of them don't, well that was fun that's all cool me into our plot sir all right dude yeah I'll make sure we stay at the airspace, so I might be I think the jet is if we have to turn around okay dude you have the aircraft, yeah you're gonna have to use rock crusher do you, yeah I don't even use the rudder professor if you've ever considered becoming an Air Force pilot.


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