Travel notes. Matveevo

in TravelFeedlast month

Matveyevo is already listed in my travel notes, but as you yourself understand, there is a huge number of settlements in Russia with this name. This is Matveyevo not of the Nyuksensky, but of the Totemsky district of Vologda region in Russia.

And travel notes, let me remind you, this is the "fromthewindow" photography mode, that is, on the run.

I really like it when road edging is somehow used. Wooden bridges are laid from the roadway to sidewalks or houses.

It turns out that there are multi-apartment brick buildings in Matveyevo. True, the number of storeys and the number of apartments in such buildings are so minimal that they can hardly be called such.

There are also simple huts and abandoned five-walled houses.

There is also an interesting and common phenomenon here: asphalt under a dirt road.

Do you think it's sad here? Yes, it is!

And all why?

Because the time is a relative physical parameter.

And if neither the appearance nor the mentality of its inhabitants changes in a settlement, then you will certainly find yourself in the past...dimension.

Alas, the fantasy about time travel and parallel worlds, shown in the films, exists among us in the form of measurements (vibration frequencies) among people and surrounding objects.

Where or when could you see this? 80th? 90th? Yes, it was there...but I was able to travel from 2021 to the past.

I saw a lot of the past tense in its different aggregate states, but everything is interesting to me - what does the future look like?

Apparently, in order to get into the future, you need to change the location and the human environment to the appropriate one.

But for some reason, the past surrounds me all the time.

If you think about the meaning of photography, is it even possible to capture the future? I do not know the answer to this question.

The river Yedenga flows here. Once I was in the place of its mouth.

A meaningless shot telling about the reliability of the location.

A picture of the same semantic meaning, which can tell that somewhere there is a road, a bridge, and on a hill there is a water tower.

To be continued...that what follows from it follows from the next part, which will certainly follow the next day.