Hi, thank you for letting me know this post is considered spam. Yes it's true it's a copy of a post from about a year ago minus a new title and new opening paragraph; but that was the idea since I capture "real life" photos, maybe people would be interested in seeing life before the corona virus, a mask free, virus free, visual memory. Like reopening the old family photo album and reminiscing on how things used to be.
With no intention other than to share photos of the "old norm", I decided to give a new post series a try "Travel Pro Flashback" of yes, old/pre-covid photos that have been posted pre-covid. I tried this kind of post a little while back seeing how the response would be.
The response has been better than my new posts! Invoking positive comments and feedback. So I decided to keep the series mixed in with my new posts this way I could keep things on my travel blog actually more interesting, since I'm now stuck in Thailand and can't move around the world like I used. I could now incorporate post from various locations I've traveled to pre-covid. With the above average positive feedback and comments I thought I was not spamming or making problems.
People really seemed to enjoy looking back on how things used to be. And the reality is, if I want to do a "flash back" series of the "old norm"....I certainly can't go back in time and take new photos. So I did not understand I was violating any rules here on Hive.
If I understood this kind of post is not allowed and going to get downvoted I would not have posted it, regardless of the positive feed back. My sincere apologies, I will no longer be posting any "Travel Pro Flash Back" Series post anymore.
Dan Gardner "World Travel Pro"