Thank you for your reply, Dr. Rodney. It is definitely true that state boards like ours in Missouri are still catching up! When we began this year of virtual learning we were not clear on what we needed to "turn in" or report to the state from our virtual learning program. After a period of time trying to find the answers, my principal ended up on the phone with the person at MO DESE in charge of virtual learning who basically acknowledged that they weren't sure either but basically approved of what we were doing. After that meeting, we felt more confident in what we were doing to adapt the platform's provided curriculum for our students.
Parent coaching may be one avenue to pursue to enhance virtual learning in the future. This was definitely a big barrier at the beginning of this school year. Maybe I will look into a sort of curriculum unit for parents to become familiar with a variety of technology provided by my district.
I agree that the parent coaching application sounds interesting. I agree from what I have heard from teachers and administrators from several districts that virtual learning is here to stay. I know your situation with younger learners is quite a bit different from my experiences. The IT staff in our district created a website for Parents this year. Maybe you may find some inspiration here!
I love it, this is super helpful - thank you! I feel like our district put out a lot of information and videos but it was not all in one helpful package like this.