Street Art Contest the heart of the sauce / el corazon de la salsa

in StreetArtlast month


Salsa is a rhythm that is always present at every party, be it a birthday, wedding, 15th birthday, anniversary, etc. With its rhythm it invites you to dance, being happy and moving.

There are many recognized salsa singers such as Héctor Lavoe, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Tito Fuentes, Celia Cruz, Rubén Blades and salsa orchestras such as Salserón, El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico, Dimensión Latina
Niche Group, teenagers, etc.

But in Venezuela and Latin America there is a singer who stands out and is called the sonero of the world for a reason, Óscar d'León, who with outstanding songs such as: Llorarás, Details, I would like, Calculator, I want you to come back to me, the fruit bowl. etc They have made people dance at parties in Latin America and the world.

Today, at 81 years old, his voice remains as vital almost as ever and he still wants to sing for several more years, although he has tried to retire several times in recent years, music always calls him.

This is why in Venezuela and the world it is very loved, being this mural that is located at the entrance of the CHACAO subway station, the exit that is closest to the Sambil de Chacao, expresses how in his hand there is an orchid that shows the beauty like a beautiful beautiful flower of his lyrics and the heart that represents how this outstanding performer, who is also a talented composer, is enclosed the heart of the salsa that with each throb of his notes and his singing made the blood flow. rhythm and joy in the world in every party or concert in which his songs were present.


La salsa es un ritmo que siempre esta presente en cada fiesta ya sea cumpleaños, bodas, 15 años, aniversario, etc. Con su ritmo invita al baile, siendo alegre y movido.

Hay muchos cantantes reconocidos de la salsa como Héctor lavoe, Gilberto santa rosa, tito fuentes, celia cruz, Rubén Blades y orquestas de salsa como salserón, El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico, Dimensión Latina
Grupo Niche, los adolescentes, etc.

Pero en Venezuela y latino américa hay un cantante que destaca y por algo es llamado el sonero del mundo, Óscar d'León, quien con canciones destacadas como: Llorarás, Detalles, Yo quisiera, Calculadora, Yo quiero que tú vuelvas a mí, el frutero. etc. han hecho bailar en fiesta de latino américa y del mundo.

De esas canciones es autor de las canciones, lloraras, detalles y que bueno baila usted.

Hoy con sus 81 años sigue su voz tan vital casi como siempre y aun desea cantar varios años mas, aunque se a intentado retirar varios veces en estos últimos años, la música siempre lo llama.

Es por esto que en Venezuela y el mundo es muy querido, siendo este mural que se localiza a la entrada de la estación del metro CHACAO, la salida que da mas cercana al Sambil de Chacao, expresa como en su mano hay una orquídea que muestra la belleza como una bella flor hermosa de sus letras y el corazón que representa como este destacado intérprete, que también es un talentoso compositor, esta encerrado el corazón de la salsa que con cada palpitar de sus notas y su cantar hiso fluir la sangre del ritmo y la alegría en el mundo en cada fiesta o concierto en que sus canciones estuvieron presente.


My beloved Venezuela..... Oscar de León the best Salseroooo!!😁

the best

Very grateful🥳

Great tribute to this musician. Always great work with Badsura. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a great day


No tribute is enough for his greatness

What a beautiful tribute you have found, dear friend @alfrin

A colorful and very special work

Have a great day

There is still a lot of art to show in Caracas in Venezuela in the face of difficulties and a bad economic situation, artists at least try to bring a little beauty in every corner hit by misfortune in the face of the situation in Venezuela


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/5) @heroldius tipped @alfrin