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RE: Graffiti Lettering Contest #7 (SLIM) - 100% Liquid Payout + 400 Ecency POINTS

in StreetArt3 years ago

Many photoshop me in a veryyyyy slimmmmm way with a T-shirt slim with my graffiti art on it hahahah not gonna do that mini05 deserves it.Hi @trippymane its always life first and yes i can enter ,

And life is number one , maybe if these times are busy just do the conetst longer like now
I will enter the next one, i want to keep this one for sure
And don’t need a stranger in the terminal


Yes life first always! I struggle to find the balance in my life to follow the things I like!

I might take your advice and let the contest run for 10-14 days from the next post :)

You're always welcome to participate, thanks for your comment!

I know I haven't been around The Terminal much lately, I will try to drop by more often!

Wish you a great day!