Good morning (it's morning here). That's as far this goes, I can't be expected to know what day or month it is.
I'm glad you enjoyed this one, I had fun putting it together. Thank you.
I did get your DM. Over the years I've learned to ignore similar requests. Considering my wallet is vastly smaller than the giant wallets around here, I'm surprised how often I'm asked for assistance by virtual strangers. I'm not bothered by it, it's just a fascinating concept. I, personally, wouldn't/haven't consider it.
I would love to be that guy who can operate as a bank and share or lend everything I have but I'm not. I worked, posted, commented, et cetera for each HP I have. The times I do delegate HP is to a community that's either new or one I think could use the help. There's been other times, too, where a brand new author is low on credits and can't engage. Each circumstance is unique.
You'd be surprised how often I'm asked similar favors which totally blows my mind cuz my account is hardly even noticeable here so, because of that, I've had to ignore many DM's.
There was a time I'd do something like this in DM and say something like the best way to earn HP is the old fashioned organic way. Accounts like Blocktrades have HP lease options where you pay back Blocktrades as your HP increases. But, over the years, it got tiring so I stopped responding.
I hope you understand.
yah sure thanks
You are welcome. <3