Melbourne, a town of street art - Part 7

in StreetArt3 years ago

Aussie 28 (1 of 1).jpg

Melbourne is a city that likes to define itself by it's street art

So it's time again to look at some of the art I've encountered of late in my wanders around this great city.

The main picture is a scene you'll see a lot the 'Aussie' paste-up this one peeler, interacting with another paste up torn, and then some masking tape art - three distinct times, messages but all playing of one another.

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Increasingly this is what you see, sanctioned art, the city itself sourcing buildings and artists, giving them free reign sure, but there is something about the lack of danger the lack of protest that removes one of the layers of street art and turns these things into murals.

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Used to add creditability to the latest corporate tower, the cafe frequented by those who 10 years ago would have worn suits but not wouldn't be seen dead in one, even though they do the same job.

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But some of this art have been here for so long that nature is fighting back, has decided to leave it's mark on botht he wall and tagging.


Great selection of Street Art especially the second pic with the old car... And I like your last pic with this fight Nature against Street Art 😀

Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.