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RE: Graffiti Lettering Contest #3 (HOME) - 100% Liquid Payout for Prize Pool

in StreetArt3 years ago

I didn't become writer in a day... it takes practice and time. I did some doodles during Teams meetings but nothing good came out. so no entry for me this week and I still show you my masterpieces 😀



I just posted my voting post and I saw you message, I was like "Ohhhh daaaamnnn, now I have to quickly go and edit it" then I read your comment and realised that you are not actually participating! Ahahah you got me scared there for a second man! LOL

I love the fact that you took some time to practice and this is what all of this is about! Makes me so happy to know that it was because of me and my contest that you took some time to sit down and draw a bit! Thanks for showing your progress and congrats! It's a beginning and this is the most proactive thing you can do to start! Props to you my friend! My first works did not look that good and I am not lying ahaha

It may be seen as cheating but I will say it anyway! In the beginning there is nothing wrong with looking for inspiration in other people's work, try to look at some letterings online and maybe "copy" them in the beginning, you'll be surprised to see how quickly you'll learn and will want to differentiate from them to eventually come up with your own style!

Thank again for your addition to the contest, I will now go to edit the main post and get your work in there! I only had 4 participations this week so this little drawing that you did it's perfect for an honourable mention :)

Cheers and wish you a great day/evening! 😎