Murals in Chinatown

in StreetArt2 months ago

Greetings all, hive friends wherever you are, wish you well. Thank you StreetArt Community by @heroldius as manager. Chinatown village in the small town of Sukabumi, west Java, has been around for a long time.


Chinese people are famous for their tenacious work, especially in mastering the trade sector. I tried to go Chinatown to see murals in a row of shops, mural paintings were in three iron door shops.

The mural painting time was around three days, it was done by two painters, because it is in Chinatown. The title of the imperial story, the message the painting conveyed is life,natural scenery, life in China.

A painting of a beautiful natural view of the mountains, below there is a river with Clear water. The colors of spring flowers on the river bank, traditional shapes of Chinese building. Trees with lenterns attached, and Swans on the rock while focusing on looking at the river water.

Who knows maybe there is one food geese, in the second painting, the message conveyed is that the Empress and her maid are on the river bank looking at the beautiful natural scenery.


There are hills, river and monastery buildings where they believe in worship with red as a symbol of happiness, good luck. On the underside of the rock there are the empress's bodyguardd to ensure security.


The third mural painting, still the same as painting one and two,bhas a backdrop of mountains and rivers, a women wearing typical Chinese clothing on red is taking care of her beloved child. Playing on the river bank.


There is a safety rope so that the board you are sitting on doesn't get carried away by the river current. The saung building with round red columns and a curved roof is characteristic of traditional Chinese buildings and is decorated with lanterns.
Thank you for stopping by.

February 2,2025.


Very nice works with this chinese style, perfect for Chinatown. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a great day


Thank you good friends for your appreciation and support. Happy days, greetings.