after a longer break here the newest art work. a statement with just one word. this is also my contribution to the current CCC's Street Art Contest.
the location is written on the traffic sign.
this poster stands for it self and does not need any explanation.
apart from the following translation of the poster:
says: NO
the gif illustrates the statement even more clearly
nach einer etwas längeren pause hier nun das neuste kunstwerk. ein statement - mit nur einem wort. das plakat steht in seinem kontext für sich und bedarf keiner weiteren erklärungen.
das gif unterstreicht die aussage des plakates noch einmal.
Street art are always beautiful and amazing to see
yes. we need definitely more art in the public space. thx for your comment.
Yeah sure, you are welcome anytime friend. Enjoy your day.
Cool to see you back on Hive, especially with this artwork... Simple and effective. With the gif version, no doubt about its meaning Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community. Enjoy your week.
thank you for your comment and your engagement for the The streetArt community.
i think constructive signs are more important than ever in this absolutely destructive times and a no to war is a yes to peace. most people want peace but a small power elite wants the opposite. so we have to tell them: NO. in germany there is a saying: imagine there is war and no one goes.
that´s it. have a wonderful week