Buenas noches, en especial a esta comunidad de Street Art con esta participación inicio en esa iniciativa de mostrar el Street Art en esta plataforma, les dejo algunas fotografías que pude capturar en un barrio conocido en Buenos Aires llamado San Telmo, un lugar muy artístico, con locales lleno de arte, ferias y incluso arte en vivo como en una foto pintaron en el asfalto con material tizas, disfruten del Street Art Argentino.
“Good evening, especially to this Street Art community with this participation in this initiative to show Street Art on this platform, I leave you some photographs that I was able to capture in a well-known neighborhood of Buenos Aires. called San Telmo, a very artistic place, with places full of art, fairs and even living art as in a photo that they painted on the asphalt with chalk material, enjoy the Argentine Street Art..”
Esta pintura me llamo mucho la atención ya que es algo que estoy de acuerdo, no importa nacionalidad, color o raza todos tenemos una historia que contar, una historia que debe ser escuchada y compartida, en vez de juzgar deberíamos conocer y comprender.
"This painting caught my attention because it is something that I agree, no matter nationality, color or race, we all have a story to tell, a story that must be heard and shared, instead of judging we should know and understand."
Este personaje realizado con tizas por un artista callejero en plena feriado de San Telmo, a veces es una lastima que estas obras así ya al día siguiente no existan pero es un trabajo digno de fotografiar y conservarlo.
"This character made with chalk by a street artist in the middle of the ** San Telmo ** holiday, sometimes it is a shame that these works like this do not exist the next day but it is a work worth photographing and preserving."
Hi there. So many cool murals in San Telmo. Wish I had been there when I was in Buenos Aires 2 years ago... Thanks a lot for sharing ;)
I hope the next time you come back I can give you a tour with a lot of street art
Thanks a lot for the offer :) Really love to go back.
Great selection, I love the mix Velasquez / Duke Nukem (the little girl with the sunglasses)... Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.
thanks for the support and comment I have a lot of art to show.
Great Street Art... I hope one day I can visit this beautiful city 🤞
I hope so, here we are waiting for you to give you tours with a lot of street art