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RE: CCC's Street Art Contest #157 ~ StreetArt and LITERATURE find in CARRICK ON SHANNON - IRELAND 🇮🇪 ~ 8

in StreetArt2 years ago

Yep, exactly like that… it was today hehehe 🤭
Still working on it, but I have some time Friday and the weekend hopefully. Tomorrow too a busy day at home. Still doing paperwork and sorting things out.
People not reading emails and trying not to solve problems. But I keep pushing, as they have to resolve it hahaha 🤣

You are welcome
Good night Joe 😴😴😴


It is cool that your weekend is going to be free for a possible outing.

I have nothing to do today, so it is a waiting game for me till Monday, I successfully booked my medical appointment for next week Tuesday.

Good morning Jackie.

Let’s hope it stays that way Joe… a lot can happen between now and then 🤓

That’s good news you managed to book your medical next week. Some progress.
We too had some progress, we got the code for the car. So just before lunch we could print out the new paperwork and head to the test center to import the car.
All is done and we got Irish number plates now on the car.
When we were home this afternoon, hubby took the old ones off and after we cleaned those parts of the car and I could stick on the new number plates. No screws… so had to make sure it was dirt and grease free the part I had to stick it on with double sided tape.
So we are happy.
Tomorrow we can get into the governmental system to apply for road tax and pay that… after done that, they will send the new paperwork of the car to us.
So some progress for us too 🎉🥳

Now still waiting for my drivers license since end of May… and a job for hubby…
He does have another interview tomorrow 🤞🏻🍀. No reply from the last one. But we knew it could be end of the week before we hear.

Have a nice evening Joe 👋🏻😊
Enjoy… hope your day was nice even with nothing to do and just waiting…

We both could do with some progress and the week has given that.

Am glad there is progress regarding your car, am happy for you about that.

Results from interviews tend to drag making us curious and expectant to hear from them. Hopefully a good news comes soon for him and it is also good he has another interview coming up, the more the better and hopeful.

I hope you get your license soon so you can enjoy your driving again.

May next week be a better week for us Jackie.

Have a good night. 🙂

We sure could Joe

Thank you kindly, it was a happy day yesterday!

Let’s hope he hears today something… and the interview goes well 🤞🏻🍀

Thank you 😊

So it will be for us 🤞🏻🍀
Happy Friday!

You are welcome Jackie
Let's stay hopeful

Not much of activity from me here
Finally met my eldest niece today the only one left I haven't in 15 years.

Other than that, it is a long wait till Tuesday for my medical, no development on the police character yet, I hope that I make progress with that early next week.

Have a good one,
Happy Friday.

Thanks Joe

We will…

Oh that is great to hear you met you niece after such a long time.
And that you have seen everybody now.

I know, it’s long until then. You will manage… it is worth the wait. You know why you are doing it.

Thanks a lot, good night 😴
Have a wonderful weekend!

Yes, it is very much worth the trouble, I can imagine the successful outcome at the end of it all.

Happy weekend Jackie, have a good one.