A habit of learning is most beneficial to growth.
I could not live like that anymore and I had to get independent and start living my life so that's the reason I emigrated on my own.
This is an incredible accomplishment, would have taken a lot of motivation, courage (feeling fear and doing it anyway), and persistence. A new language complicates it. I really respect you for taking charge of your life, being responsible for yourself.
Kindness, authentic kindness is so very needed now. I have a tendency to say what I think, as someone I know calls it "radical honesty", so sometimes what I say can be difficult for some to hear. I'm a full package deal.
Thank you! The show went well, really loving something I never had any intention of doing, lol. Growth. Focus on what you need to for your own path, no worries if you don't hear the shows. ;)
LMAO, you replied to yourself! I feel so much better. I've already done that a couple of times.
Absolutely 😎 reading is probably 90% of my english!
Thank you so much, really means a lot to me!
It was a great period of growth in my life and now I'm sitting comfortable in the new comfort zone I created since few years 😂😂😂 time to shake things a bit 💥
Being honest and saying what you really think is a great virtue, it's not something everyone has, you deserve respect for that!
Happy to hear the show is going well 😎🙌🙏
Ahahah same 🙏😂
LOL, that's a good way to do it.
Oh yeah, shake it up!
It's not easy to stick to a path of being honest, there are always consequences. Thanks for your kind words. I figured I'd tell you I did the same replying to myself thing. #radicalhonesty about my mistakes. LOLOL
Yeah, gotta do it!
!gif shake
Kudos! There's a lot to learn from you 😁
Via Tenor
LOL! I've learned that I need to learn a lot more. That's been key for a while. If anyone finds something helpful in what I write/say, that's the cherry on the cake.
I know that I know nothing
He was onto something here lol
Yes, he was, LOL