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RE: CCC's Street Art Contest #124 Samina, Faro, Portugal

in StreetArt2 years ago

The picture is portraying "Zeca" Afonso, a portuguese musician, poet and singuer, famous in portugal for is freedom figthing music, he died in the 80's and most of his songs, were released in the 60's and 70's, when portugal was still a dictatorship, he his regarded as a symbol of the figth for "democracy" and for rigths of humanity, also an important figure in the revolution of 25 Abril 1974, wen the dictatorship was overtrone by a military coup, one of his musics Grandola Vila Morena was used during the coup, on the national radio, to signal to the military, the advancement of the planed revolution.


I was going to look up who that person was... but no need thanks to you. Thanks for the information, appreciated.