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RE: It's Evolution, Baby! [CCC's Street Art Contest #145]

in StreetArt2 years ago

Yeah, that's right. I find it incredible that most people keep fighting about Right vs Left without realising the both sides are in cahoots with each other. They play a make believe game to ensure both of them are kept in power eternally. It's called the Illusion of the Opposites.


I entirely agree with you!
I think that people don't realize it at first because they don't believe the game "Divide and conquer" even exists these days. Accordingly, they are not aware it's not anymore a game played on some war battlefield but a mind game, so they even less understand that they (those in power) are playing it with their (people's) heads (lives) at stake. And it's easy for them. Considering themselves as untouchable and super-humans of some sort, they don't see us as people. We are just numbers to them! Nothing more! Nothing less!

Exchanging the power from the "right hand" to the "left hand," all along, the "same body" has been destroying the old values and making fun of them (especially in the last several decades), starting from the so-called sexual revolution and through it consequently the family as the pillar of every society.
As this is already almost done, followed by the imposed intense "homosexual revolution" (in the last 20 years or so), we are now witnessing the next step in their agenda by denying the existence of genders. So, the children of tomorrow are already destined to be without mother and father (in the old classical sense), as they would be (in schools or elsewhere) indoctrinated to think of them just as a "semen donor" and "incubator body."

And when we add to this equation the fact that current generations are already heavily poisoned with egoism and strong hedonism, with mediocre knowledge (by chasing grades instead of true knowledge), in a constant chase for some fake fame, and recognition (so-called influencers and similar), and competing with each other ruthlessly, entirely drained into mindless consumerism, they are completely lacking and are incapable of any rational, logical and critical thinking.
As such, every day more, humankind becomes a larger mass, easiest and simplest to manipulate.

The logical question is, what's next?! - My guess is to turn us (somehow) into robots or at least to force us to act and live as such, entirely powerless and completely depending on their mercy to switch us ON or OFF.

Ugly future ahead of us!
Unfortunately, the rapid technological development happening on a daily basis makes me feel this ugly future is approaching us in some crazy fast stampede.
Whether it will reach and destroy us, in my opinion, depends only on if there would be a needed critical mass courage enough to open their eyes widely to see, realize, comprehend, and face that ugly truth, and then be brave and smart enough not just to oppose it, but strongly fight against it and finally defeat it.