ENG VERSION - Scorri sotto per ITA
Hello HIVE & StreetArt Community
Ciao Olio di Balena!
Hope you all doing all right
Welcome to the Voting Post of the
Graffiti Lettering Contest
Shout Out
I love this work and it's now our official banner ! to @saleemju for the wonderful Banner he did for my Contest! Thank you so much!
Voting Post Overview
Another week another collection of wonderful art stored for ever on the blockchain! I enjoy every single one of your works and I always try to leave you a meaningful comment and try to motivate you to get creative, to get better, to have fun, to make meaningful connections, this community we've been creating here together fills me with joy, you are the main reason for the time and effort I put in this platform! One Love to each one of you! Love you all!
Wonderful Job everyone! Keep it UP 😁
Choose your 3 favourite entries and comment under this post, either tagging the 3 participants or simply writing down their username!
Everyone can vote! (Not only the participants!)
Contest Entries can be found scrolling down the post!
Voting Rules
Everyone can vote (not only the participants)
3 votes per person
Voting open until post expiration (7 days)
Comment under this post either tagging or simply writing the username of the 3 participants you want to vote
I will skip the Contest Rules and Contest Overview in this Voting Post, for anyone interested you can check them in the contest post.
The rules and overview will be present in our next Contest #17 next week so no trouble. (I will just skip them in the Voting Posts.)
Contest Entries #16 (WHAT)
Posted following chronological order of entries
Personal comment: Yours was the first participation and I loved it, I like a lot styles like that that resemble some sort of old school style but with some bits of wildstyle, wonderful start you got here! Wish to see more from you!
Personal comment: I enjoyed every single participation you did in my contest but today you really did something else, this is next level good! I love this work and it is one of my very favourites from this week! Kudos, you got my vote here!
Personal comment: Wonderful work you did here! I really enjoy every partecipation you do in my contest, I like your posts and always appreciate a lot your quotes! This week you quoted Banksy and did a wonderful puppet! I think you will do very well in this round! Best of luck! You are getting very good at this!
Personal comment: First of all I want to give you a big Welcome to the contest, hope you will enjoy it here and we will always be happy to get a new participation from you! I'm really curious to see what you will show us in the next editions. This is just the start! Great things to come! I'm sure :)
Personal comment: It's always a good day when @akida drops some art in my contest, thanks for your awesome art! You're out of your comfort zone but let me tell you, you doing very good and you can only get better! Happy to be a motivation for you, this make me feel proud, thank you!
Personal comment: Welcome to the contest! I loved the vibes from this graffiti, lake vibes here! Love it! Simple but cool, I appreciated your work and I'm sure other will too, best of luck, happy to have you on board!
Personal comment: Not much to say here my friend! Next level good just like everytime you post, I am your fan and you know it ahahah! Big up, I'll probably vote this one!
Personal comment: A lovely work, very creative and very different, it's a breeze of fresh air in the contest, I liked it a lot and for sure more poeple will like this too! Lovely start and big welcome to the contest! Good luck :)
Personal comment: I loved this entry, beautiful realization, the many question marks really do a wonderful work in expressing the word! Big up, great work and best of luck for this round! :)
Personal comment: I loved your enthusiasm and you gave me a great news today: you will participate again, this makes me really happy! I cannot wait to see your evolution and your creative mind! Thanks for this great addition and best of luck! And a big Welcome obviously! Happy to have you here!
Personal comment: Boom! This is awesome man! Love the colors, the lettering, the puppet, here everything just clicks in a great way! Love it, you got my vote! Happy to see you participating again! Big props!
Personal comment: I really enjoyed your work, especially the raw paper version, I still like a lot the final version but I feel like the paper outline was the best one! Great stuff really! Big up, can't wait to see more!
Personal comment: WOW! This is next level my man! This is the good stuff, love this, amazing 3d and colorway, I can imagine you drawing this and how much fun you had while doing it, you get my vote here! Respect
Personal comment: Hello my friend, it's always a pleasure to have you in the contest, and when you participate together with @consciouscat it's even better, big time! Love the creativity on this one, you definitely did grow a lot and it's been so cool to see your progression in this challenges that we do here!
Personal comment: Congratulations again for the win in the last week's edition! It's great to see you again and happy you're liking the space! Cool lettering, I like it! Thanks for this addition and big up! Hope to see more coming!

Personal comment: Thanks once again for a nice addition! I really want to send you big props for being always present in the contest! Like I said in a comment, you're becoming a veteran in this challenge! Good luck!
Personal comment: You were late few minutes, but I was late few minutes (more like 15) to post the post and your work is fricking awesome that I had to quickly edit the post, hope people will not mind a double-triple tag again (I always end up doing it for whatever reason ahahahah). Great work, big up really!
Participants & Supporters
A list of people and friends who appreciate, help and support the contest, as well as participants, fans and winners.
Names get added with participation.
I add people to this list so the tag acts as a reminder when I post, I personally appreciate it when I get tagged in contests that I usually participate in, but if anyone prefers not to get tagged please let me know and I will remove the name from the list.
Let me also know if you want to get added to this list! Cheers
@wesphilbin @stayten @catword @moon-city @failingforwards @brittandjosie @thekittygirl @heroldius @digi-me @gaboamc2393 @nineclaws @trincowski @ryzeonline @deepresearch @macchiata @qwerrie @yems @ran.koree @mimi05 @rilo @latinocaracas @alovely088 @andre-marg25 @melinda010100 @mazquel @tommyl33 @dirtnowitzki @ramisey @ghostonchronic @consciouscat @new.things @theithei @giocondina @jacuzzi @littlebee4 @mondoshawan @akida @saleemju @zddf @fracshun @queenstar @jadung @akiraymd @evev @graffitidude @yangyanje @cjsean @yoswar @pravesh0 @karkalitsos @marbrym @orcaazul @crisch23 @victa1 @projectmamabg @lauraptis @ginethchira2301 @ikigaidesign @jacksonizer
Wow guys! What a week! 6 new participants, that's definitely a record! Wonderful, thank you all! A huge welcome to @victa1 @projectmamabg @lauraptis @ginethchira2301 @ikigaidesign and @jacksonizer, thanks for your participations in my contest! Big Up!😎
1st place 1.925 HBD + 150 Ecency points, 2nd place 1.155 HBD + 100 Ecency points and 3rd place 0.77 HBD + 50 Ecency points
3 honourable mentions will be each given 20 Ecency points and 0.3333 HBD
Every other non-winner will receive 10 Ecency Points as a little consolation prize
Liquid Payout (#16 Contest Post)
The payout was 3.85 HBD:
This makes the total of the prizes for this run 3.85 HBD + 400 ECENCY Points to be given to the top 3 winners and 3 honourable mentions which as always will be chosen by the community 😁
Let's check it on a nice Graph:

A Huge Shout Out
Big UP StreetArt community! 😎 #StreetArt community for giving me the space to host my Contest in their community! One Love! 😎
And a Very Big Thank You to Olio di Balena Community for having created such an amazing space on this chain for the Italian content and members!
Thank you very much for letting me Cross-Post the Graffiti Lettering Contest posts in your Community! 😎
PS: If you like graffiti and have some nice pictures of some, there is this other great contest that involves graffiti hosted by @digi-me that it's defo worth checking out!
May the voting begin!
Good Luck to everyone!
Thanks for checking out!

Hello HIVE & StreetArt Community
Ciao Olio di Balena!
Spero stiate tutti alla grande!
Benvenuti al Post di Votazione del
Graffiti Lettering Contest
Shout Out
Mi piace tantissimo questo lavoro ed e' ora il banner ufficale del Contest! a @saleemju per il magnifico Banner che ha fatto per il mio Contest! Grazie mille!
Sommario del Post di Votazione
Un'altra settimana e un'altra collezione di bellissima arte preservata per sempre sulla blockchain! Mi piacciono tutti i lavori di ognuno di voi e provo sempre a lasciare un commento vero e sentito, provo a motivarvi ad essere creativi, a migliorare, a divertirvi, a creare vere connessioni; questa comunita' che stiamo creando qui insieme mi riempie di gioia, voi siete il motivo principale per il tempo e dedicazione che investo in questa piattaforma! One Love a tutti voi! Vi voglio bene!
Bellissimi lavori tutti quanti! Continuate cosi'! 😁
Scegliete i vostri 3 lavori preferiti e postate un commento sotto a questo post taggando i 3 utenti o semplicemente scrivendo i loro username!
Tutti possono votare! (Non solo i partecipanti!)
Le partecipazioni degli utenti al contest si trovano in questo post scorrendo sotto!
Regole per Votare
Tutti possono votare (non solo i partecipanti)
3 voti a persona
La votazione e' aperta fino alla scadenza di questo post (7 giorni)
Commentate sotto a questo post taggando o semplicemente scrivendo gli username dei 3 partecipanti che volete votare
Saltero' le sezioni Regole del Contest e Informazioni sul Contest in questo Post di Votazioni, per qualsiasi persona interessata le potere trovare nel contest post.
Regole e Informazioni saranno presenti nel prossimo Contest #17 prossima settimana quindi non preoccupatevi. (Le omettero' solo nei Post di Votazione).
Partecipazioni al Contest #16 (WHAT)
Mostrati nell'ordine cronologico di pubblicazione
Commento personale: La tua e' stata la prima partecipazione e mi e' piaciuta un sacco! Mi piacciono molto questi stili che ricordano un po un incrocio tra old school e wildstyle, ottimo inizio qui! Spero di vedere piu roba da parte tua!
Commento personale: Mi sono piaciute tutte quante le partecipazioni che hai fatto nel mio contest ma qui oggi ti sei decisamente superata! Questa roba e' di livello superiore! Mi piace un sacco ed e' uno dei miei preferiti di questa settimana! Congratulazioni! Hai il mio voto qui!
Commento personale: Bellissimo lavoro! Mi piaciono sempre molto tutte le tue partecipazioni al mio contest, mi piacciono molto i post e apprezzo sempre le citazioni che metti nei tuoi post! Questa settimana hai citato Banksy e hai fatto un puppet bellissimo! Sono sicuro che riceverai moli voti in questa edizione, buona fortuna! Stai diventando molto brava!
Commento personale: Prima di tutto vogliio darti un grandissimo benvenuto qui nel mio contest, spero ti troverai bene e sappi che noi saremo sempre felici di ricevere una nuova partecipazione da parte tua! Sono veramente curioso di vere cosa ti inventerai nelle prossime edizioni. Questo e' solo l'inizio! Grandi cose in arrivo, ne sono sicuro :)
Commento personale: E' sempre un ottimo giorno quando @akida droppa la sua arte nel mio contest! Grazie per la tua super arte! Sei fuori dalla comfort zone qui ma fattelo dire, stai facendo molto bene e puoi solo che diventare meglio! Sono veramente felice di essere una motivazione per te, questo mi rende orgoglioso, grazie!
Commento personale: Benvenuta nel contest! Mi sono piaciute un sacco le vibes di questo graffiti, mi sembrava di stare al lago! Semplice ma bello, ho apprezzato il tuo lavoro e sono sicuro che anche altri lo apprezzeranno! Felice di averti a bordo!
Commento personale: Non c'e' molto da dire qui amico mio! Di livello superiore come ogni volta che posti, ma tanto lo sai che sono tuo fan ahaha! Big up, molto probabilmente ti voto questa settimana!
Commento personale: Un lavoro veramente molto bello, molto creativo e differente, e' una folata di aria fresca in questo contest! A me e' piaciuto molto e sono sicuro che piacera' molto anche ad altri! Ottimo inizio e benvenuta nel contest! Buona fortuna :)
Commento personale: Mi e'piaciuta veramente un sacco questa partecipazione, bellissima realizzazione! I tanti punti di domanda esprimono il significato della parola in un ottimo modo! Big up, bel lavoro e buona fortuna per questa settimana :)
Personal comment: Mi e' piaciuto un sacco il tuo entusiasmo e mi hai dato una bellissina news oggi: parteciperai di nuovo, questo mi rende felicissimo! Non vedo l'ora di vedere la tua evoluzione e la tua mente creativa! Grazie per questa ottima aggiunta! Buona fortuna e un grandissimo benvenuto ovviamente! Felice di averti qui!
Personal comment: Boom! Questo e' fantastico! Adoro i colori, il lettering, il puppet, tutto qui si incastra in maniera perfetta! Mi piace un sacco, qui hai il mio voto! Felice di vederti partecipare di nuovo! Big props!
Personal comment: Mi e'piaciuto molto il tuo lavoro, specialmente la versione grezza su carta con le Outline! Mi piace comunque anche la versione finale ma secondo me quella cartacea e' di qualita' superiore! Ottima roba davvero! Big up, non vedo l'ora di vedere altro da parte tua!
Personal comment: WOW! Questo e' di qualita' superiore amico mio! Questa e' la roba coatta! Che bomba! Incredibile 3d e che schema di colori! Posso solo immaginare quanto ti sia divertito nel colorarlo, qua ti voto per forza! Rispetto
Personal comment:Ciao amico mio, e' sempre un piacere averti a bordo, e quando partecipi insieme a @consciouscat e' anche meglio, fantastico! Adoro la creativita' di questo lavoro, sei decisamente migliorato un sacco ed e' stato molto bello vedere la tua evoluzione in questa competizione.
Personal comment: Complimenti ancora una volta per la vincita della scorsa settimana! Sono contento di vederti partecipare di nuovo e felice ti stia trovando bene nel nostro spazio creativo! Grazie per questa bella aggiunta, spero di vedere sempre piu roba da parte tua!

Personal comment: Grazie ancora una volta per una bella aggiunta al nostro contest! Voglio mandarti i complimenti per essere sempre presente! Come ho gia' detto in un commento, stai diventando un veterano in questa competizione! Buona fortuna!
Personal comment: In ritardo di pochi minuti ma anche io ero in ritardo nel postare, inoltre questo lavoro e' incredibile! Ho dovuto velocemente editare il post e aggiungere la tua partecipazione! Spero le persone taggate non abbiano problemi con un doppio-triplo tag (Alla fine per una ragione o per l'altra riesco sempre a sbagliare qualcosa e fare mille edit ahhaha)
Partecipanti e sostenitori
Un elenco di persone e amici che apprezzano, aiutano e supportano il contest, nonché partecipanti, fan e vincitori.
I nomi vengono aggiunti con la partecipazione.
Aggiungo persone a questo elenco in modo che il tag funge da promemoria quando posto, personalmente lo apprezzo quando vengo taggato in contest a cui di solito partecipo, ma se qualcuno preferisce non essere taggato per favore me lo faccia sapere e il suo nome sara' rimosso immediatamente dall'elenco .
Fatemi sapere anche se volete essere aggiunti a questo elenco! Saluti
@wesphilbin @stayten @catword @moon-city @failingforwards @brittandjosie @thekittygirl @heroldius @digi-me @gaboamc2393 @nineclaws @trincowski @ryzeonline @deepresearch @macchiata @qwerrie @yems @ran.koree @mimi05 @rilo @latinocaracas @alovely088 @andre-marg25 @melinda010100 @mazquel @tommyl33 @dirtnowitzki @ramisey @ghostonchronic @consciouscat @new.things @theithei @giocondina @jacuzzi @littlebee4 @mondoshawan @akida @saleemju @zddf @fracshun @queenstar @jadung @akiraymd @evev @graffitidude @yangyanje @cjsean @yoswar @pravesh0 @karkalitsos @marbrym @orcaazul @crisch23 @victa1 @projectmamabg @lauraptis @ginethchira2301 @ikigaidesign @jacksonizer
Che settimana ragazzi, incredibile, 6 nuovi partecipanit, decisamente un record, grazie a tutti! un enorme benvenuto a @victa1 @projectmamabg @lauraptis @ginethchira2301 @ikigaidesign e @jacksonizer, grazie per le vostre partecipazioni! Big Up!😎
Primo posto 1.925 HBD + 150 punti Ecency, Secondo posto 1.155 HBD + 100 punti Ecency e Terzo posto 0.77 HBD + 50 punti Ecency
A 3 menzioni d'onore verranno mandati 20 punti Ecency e 0.3333 HIVE
A qualsiasi altro non vincitore verranno mandati 10 punti Ecency come piccolo premio di consolazione
Pagamento Liquido (#16 Contest Post)
Il payout liquido e' stato di circa 3.85 HBD:
Questo rende il totale dei premi per questa edizioni di 3.85 HBD + 400 ECENCY Points da essere distribuiti tra i top 3 e 3 menzioni d'onore che come sempre verranno scelte da voi, la community! 😁
Vediamo tutto questo in un bel grafico:

Un enorme Shout OutStreetArt! 😎 alla community di #StreetArt per concedermi lo spazio per hostare il mio Contest nella loro Community! Big UP alla Community di
E un grande ringraziamento alla Community di Olio di Balena per aver creato uno spazio straordinario su questa blockchain per i contenuti e gli utenti italiani!
Grazie mille per permettermi di fare i Cross-Post dei post riguardanti il mio Graffiti Lettering Contest nella vostra Community! 😎
PS: Se vi piacciono i graffiti e avete delle belle foto di quest'ultimi, c'e' anche questo bel contest che ha a che fare con graffiti hostato da @digi-me, vale decisamente la pena di dare un'occhiata!
Che le votazioni abbiano inizio!
Buona fortuna a tutti!
Grazie per essere passati di qui!

First of all, I would like to thank all who voted for my artwork.
I really would like to vote for myself, but I don't think it is cool. hehehe...
Here are my votes
@evey @new.things @marbrym
Good Luck to all participants! :)
Ehehe indeed, I do not state it directly in the rules but as you correctly assumed it's something that shouldn't be done for the sake of being fair ehehe Great thinking 😎 Respect!
Thanks for your votes and best of luck in this week!
100 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM three times per day
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
Create a HIVE account with PGM from our discord server, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
I don't bereave it!
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@jacksonizer, I sent you an on behalf of @trippymane
It entered my mind because you did not state it. hahaha!
Thank you very much. But my Bane ir wrong, the correctbis @marbrym😊
Oh... Sorry. Thanks for noticing! :)
This has been the hardest one yet to pick only three winners. All the entries are well done and everyone is getting really creative, love seeing that!
My picks for this round:
@evev @marbrym @ikigaidesign
Good luck everyone, really enjoyed seeing each of your creations.
ohhh thanks!!!
You're welcome, good luck!
It's getting always more and more difficult to only select 3, we had 17 this week, can't wait to get 20+, I don't know how I will manage but I will make my best to keep up this creative space! I'm loving the progression of the participants and the creativity evolution, it seems that slowly everyone is getting better and better and I love the vibes I get from here, I am trying to spread positivity and motivate every single participant, spreading love around and love is coming back to me! 💚💛❤️
So many comments make me feel so happy and proud of this, makes me so happy to see that this space is making people enjoy themselves!
Thank you too for being always present here with us, it's a pleasure to have you here for me and you know it 😎 Great picks by the way!
You're doing an excellent job with this and I've observed the same growth and increased creativity. Kudos!
Thanks, doing my best in these challenging days. Thank you for the pizza!
Thank you very much 🤪
You're welcome! 😊
Some amazing pieces here 😎
My votes are: https://ecency.com/@marbrym, https://ecency.com/@yangyanje and https://ecency.com/@yoswar
😱 thank you very much 🥰
Amazing indeed, thanks for checking out and for dropping your votes!
Hope to see you partecipating again in the future 😁🤩
@andre-marg25 @yoswar @marbrym
Great picks 😁
Good luck to you too!
She really hit the roof!
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@orcaazul, I sent you an on behalf of @trippymane
Thank you very much 😊
Saludos, amigos.
Mis votos son para:
@yangyanje @yoswar @marbrym
Excelente trabajo.
Muchas gracias por sus votos!😎
Grandes trabajos de hecho
Muchas gracias por tu voto🥰
I love no. 3,7 and 13. If I can choose out only 3,this 3.💪💕✨
Sweet, thanks for the votes 😎
Good luck for this edition! 😁
My vote is for
good luck to all! @evev @jacksonizer @orcaazul
Thanks for your picks and good luck! 🥳😎
😓 got left out again @trippymane. For some reason it's hard for me to make it on time hahaha. I'll try to do better for the next one.
My votes are for:
3 @queenstarr 13 @yangyanje 11 @yoswar
You're good! I just edited you in! 😉
Good luck, thanks for the votes!
Una pregunta, es que publique un graffiti y no estoy aquí en la lista y quiero saber que hice mal a lo mejor no cumplí con algún requisito y no quiero cometer el mismo error la próxima vez.
Ayúdame guiandome porque este concurso es demasiado bueno
I'm very sorry that you didn't make it to the list, the only thing you did wrong was that you didn't comment your entry under my post and you did not tag me anywhere and I simply wasn't aware of this entry. 😞
In the requirements I ask to do this one thing:
Here is a snippet from my Graffiti Contet Post from the Rules and Requirements section:
This is what makes me aware of your entry. Because you didn't comment under my post and didn't tag me anywhere I simply didn't see this work that you did! And I am really sad about it because it's a very good job! I will reblog your post and comment it under my Voting Post, we already had some votes and the Voting started yesterday night, sorry about it, make sure to comment with your work under my post next time and you can also tag me in your post so then you're sure that I will check it out!
I'm at work now but as soon as I have few spare minutes I am going to Reblog your post, I will try to boost it with some ECENCY Points and I will check out your art and leave a comment with my thoughs 😁 (And I will also comment under the current Voting Post with your work to make people aware of your work so at least they will check it out and meybe you will het some good upvotes! 😎)
Looking forward for your next work, I'm sure you will make an even better work and will recover all the votes that you would have gotten this week for your great graffiti!
100 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM three times per day
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
Create a HIVE account with PGM from our discord server, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
I now live in constant fear.
Credit: bulldog-joy
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@crisch23, I sent you an on behalf of @trippymane
Claro que sí, lamento tanto no haberlo hecho, es que estoy súper nueva en hice y quiero aprender tanto en tan poco tiempo que me abrumó con tanta información pero lo haré bien la siguiente vez porque me gusta mucho este concurso, ya tengo listo en mi imaginación la siguiente participación solo esperando la palabra gracias por el apoyo y te aseguro que seguiré participando
Ohh I see, sorry about it.
But wonderful news that you will partecipate again, this makes me very happy 😊
Cuenta con ello debo aprender de mis errores, para mí lo importante es volver a levantarnos, así que sacudirse el polvo e iniciar de nuevos saludos
La próxima no durante en escribirte para verificar que este inscrita como debe ser
Thank to you @trippymane
Thank you for the Vote my Dear Sis🤗❤️
My votes
@akida @victa1 @projectmamabg
17 entries and growing fast, well done trippy
Thank you for the nomination
(1/10) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
Thanks for the votes!
Indeed, we're growing a lot, so grateful for each one of you participating/voting or even just hanging around!
Best of luck for this round 😎
thanks to you for this space, this is beautiful art, I am happy to have been able to participate, there are true artists, my votes are for:
@queenstarr @yangyanje @lauraptis
Thank you for this feedback, makes me so happy 🤩
This is great art indeed and we are getting always more and more participations!
Cool thing is that there are so many artists that are skilled but anyone could become one with the right amount of time and dedication, I've been loving to see the evolution of some participants and it really makes me happy to give you guys such space and I'm grateful for the community we building together 🙏😎
Thank you so much for the vote🤗
vote is for:
@marbrym @evev @jacksonizer
Great choices 👌
Good luck to you too 😎
My votes:
@queenstarr @lauraptis @yoswar
(5/10) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
Thanks for the LUV and for your votes, wish you luck 😁
Thanks for the vote Sis❤️🤗
Oh my gosh, so many fabulous entries! Well done everyone, well done. Special welcome to the newbies :) This round it's hard to choose but in no particular order I pick the art of:
loved to pick 5 this round!! I loved these so much!But also a special mention to @brittandjosie + my babe, @new.things because I would have
And, as always, @trippymane, you're doing well here. Kicking goals. Growing your contest. Well done mate, well done.
You're absolutely right, so many great entries, it's getting harder to vote in every edition!
Great picks :) I will keep in mind the extra votes, they may come in handy 😉
Thank you so much for your feedback, really appreciated soooo much, makes me so happy to see that you're enjoying this space and you know how I always appreciate any kind of input you leave here, be it a vote, a participation or just cheering my participants up, thanks for being awesome 🤩😎
You're so welcome, friend 🙌
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
trippymane tipped andre-marg25 (x1)
littlebee4 tipped trippymane (x1)
trippymane tipped bilpcoinbpc (x1)
trippymane tipped crisch23 (x1)
trippymane tipped projectmamabg (x1)
trippymane tipped queenstarr (x1)
trippymane tipped edittasc86 (x1)
trippymane tipped drlobes (x1)
trippymane tipped lauraptis (x1)
trippymane tipped new.things (x1)
trippymane tipped jacksonizer (x1)
trippymane tipped shohana1 (x1) @trippymane tipped @orcaazul (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza.
Some really good ones a hard pick for me this week it's
2@evev all such individual works 2cool
I believe you that it was hard, so many great works!
Great picks, thanks and good luck to you too!
@ran.koree @victa1 @brittandjosie
Also really like @orcaazul and @marbrym a lot.
Wonderful, thanks for your votes!
I will keep in mind your extra votes in case of ties, they may come in handy!
Good luck for this week!
Hola chicos geniales participaciones, aquí mis favoritos 👏
@akida @queenstarr @lauraptis
It was a wonderful week indeed!
Thanks for your votes and wish you the best of luck for this week, your drawing is AWESOME 🤩
Thank you Evev🤗❤️
Greetings, as everyone can vote even if they have not participated, these were my favorites:
@evev @lauraptis @yoswar excellent work. I really liked this community, thanks to a great friend whose work I follow, I'm here and I think I will participate in the next opportunity.
Yes of course, voting open to everyone 😎
Happy to hear that you are interested in participating, can't wait to see your creativity 🤩
Thank you so much for the feedback and send big thanks to your friend too 🥳
sure thanks
My votes go to:
@evev @lauraptis @yoswar
In no particular order.
So many entries this week… wow hard to choose just 3.
Good luck all entrants your art is all great 🥳🎉😎
Wonderful, thanks for the votes, great picks I got to say!
Thanks for checking out and being always here with us 🥳
Great art from everyone indeed 😎
Hope you are well 🤗You are so welcome @trippymane 😊 happy to be around…
tough, was seriously tough!
I'd say:
@yangyanje @yoswar @ran.koree
Well done everyone!
Thank you 🤗 Hope you're having fun here 😎
Hope to see a participation from you too next time 😋
Waaoo todos estan geniales, me hubiese gustado participar, espero para la próxima y sumarme a esta iniciativa.. esta dificil escoger solo tres pero bueno es la regla jaja:
Éxitos a todos.. Saludos.. @lauraptis 6 / @ikigaidesing 10 / @yangyanje 13
Thank for your votes!
You are very welcome to participate 🤩 If you want I can add your name to the tag list from the next edition so you will not miss it 😁
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I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
Theyre super sketchy
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/4)@edittasc86, I sent you an on behalf of @trippymane
ME like @yoswar @yangyanje and @lauraptis
Lovely meme ahhaahah
Thank for your votes! Gorilla Crew Strong Together😎
Ten- tickles
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)@drlobes, I sent you an on behalf of @trippymane
wow so creative street art work, it surely take huge time and efforts and I only can enjoy them, this creativity only can be done by talented artists like you!
Thank you, I'm sure every participant will appreciate your words!
If you want you can choose the 3 that you prefer and tag the artists in a comment under this post and I will add your votes to the list 😁
I woke every two hours and cried.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/4)@shohana1, I sent you an on behalf of @trippymane
@lauraptis @evev @yoswar
Thanks, great picks 😁
My vote @yoswar, @marbrym and @orcaazul
Wonderful, thanks for your votes 😁
Good luck
To prove he wasn’t a chicken.
Credit: marshmellowman
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@andre-marg25, I sent you an on behalf of @trippymane
Too many incredible works this week, very hard to choose only 3!
Because I am the host of the contest for this time only I vote 4 people:
@evev @ran.koree @yoswar @yangyanje
Great work everyone!
Thank you so much!