Nothing better then finishig a day with whiskey

in Whisky/Whiskey2 years ago

After working 2 jobs, 14 hour a day, there is nothing better for me then having shot or two, irish Whiskey in my case.
The best one for me. It hits you good, put my mood back on positive and give me energy. At first i didn't like it here, because they always gave it with the ice, but i get used to it, and kinda like it more,drinking 2 shots slowly, 1 hour pass and my girlfriend shift is over. Yeah you would say i am alcoholic, because i am driinking it everyday hahaha, but i am not!!!
Jameson irish whiskey, best one im my opinion, every irish whiskey that i tasted for me is so much better then scotch, but hey thats my opinion. Ho2 about you, do you have any to reccommed to me?
What's your favorite one?


Jameson is good stuff. I got to try some of the distillers batch that my sister in law brought back from Ireland. It was amazing. I think so far Writer's Tears is probably my most favorite Irish Whisky. Proper Twelve is decent, but I think you pay more for the celebrity endorsement than you actually do for the whisky. I actually prefer mine with ice. Keeps me from getting wasted too fast!

Thanks a lot for a reccomendation, i will try it if i can. Hah celebrity endorsement, here in my town it's even rare to try jameson or jack daniels to be honest 😂😂,so if i get any chance to try some good stuff, teust me i would.(like it better without ice, because you get wasted faster hahaha)

Jack Daniels is good too. I did a tour of their property a couple of years ago. It was really cool!