I had a Talisker recently at a whisky bar and it was very nice. Not sure exactly which one it was. We have an older Alexa, but haven't used it recently. I know they do various apps, but I didn't get to into that. I mostly just asked it questions. There are so many web sites and apps these days and the whisky industry is very competitive so they have to get into every trend. There do seem to more ads from them on TV these days.
I'm still getting used to have Alexa around, not too keen having "someone" intrude into my life to be honest, so at the moment just using her as a clock and to listen to the radio, both which we needed in the living room.
For some reason we seem to watch BBC more nowadays, so are missing out on the ads, will have to switch over sometime as I do like to see what Xmas ads they come up with
I don't buy the theories that these devices are spying on us all the time and they can be useful. I think they can be a boon for blind people.
I don't watch a lot of TV, but there are a few things on Channel 4 we watch so I see some ads. The perfumes ones are the most surreal.
Good point about the blind, I can see how valuable these devices can be for them