Hi everyone!
That’s my first entry to Hive blockchain.
My name is Tsvetomir I’m 52 years old from Bulgaria.
My friend @calisthenicsdrop / @iliyan90 told me about this amazing new way of blogging via blockchain technology so I’m here to try something new.
I am Bulgarian
I am Bulgarian and strong
Bulgarian mother has born me
beauties and goods so many
make my native land so dear.
I am Bulgarian and love
our mountains so green,
to be called Bulgarian
is the greatest joy for me.
I am free Bulgarian
in place of liberty I live
everything native Bulgarian
I cherish, observe and adore.
I am Bulgarian and grow
in days so great in time of glory
I am son of land so wonderful
I am son of tribe of courage.
by Ivan Vazov
I am interested in religions and other methods of personal and spiritual development and self-realization.
I am a reader of the books of the Spiritual Teaching Bô Yin Râ.
I love the Mountains and often go hiking in them, especially in Vitosha, which is very close to the capital of Bulgaria Sofia where I live.
"Ако молитвата е твоето послание към Бога, интуицията е божието послание към теб."
Чарлз Дайър
"Да имам пророчески дар и да зная всички тайни, да имам пълно знание за всички неща и такава силна вяра,че да мога и планини да премествам - щом Любов нямам, нищо не съм."
1 Коринтяни 13:2
“If prayer is you talking to God, then intuition is God talking to you.”
Dr. Wayne W Dyer
"To have the gift of prophecy and to know all the secrets, to have full knowledge of all things and such strong faith that I can move mountains - if I have no Love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 13: 2
Вземи живота си, какъвто е!
Недей мисли: "Друг би могъл да бъде".
От свойте дни ти никой не кълни,
а трябва ли да носиш - понеси!
И всичко в своя път ти благославяй,
благословен така ще си и ти!
Bô Yin Râ. Из "Пътепоказатели".
Превод: Борис Стоянов.
Accept your life the way it is;
Imagine not what it might be;
Nor even curse a single day!
Endure what you are meant to bear;
All things that you encounter—bless,
And thus you shall in blessings share.
Bô Yin Râ Signs Along the Way
Nimm dein Leben wie es ist !
Denke nicht: „S o - k ö n n t' es sein.”
Fluche k e i n e m deiner Tage !
Was du tragen mußt, e r t r a g e !
Alles, was dir je begegnet,
S e g n e , und du w i r s t gesegnet ! —
Bô Yin Râ. Wegweiser (1928)
Прими ты свою жизнь, какой она и есть!
Не думай: "Другой могла бы быть она."
Из дней своих ни одного не проклинай,
а нужно ли нести - неси!
И все в пути своем благославляй,
благославленным будешь так и ты!
Bô Yin Râ. Знаки на пути
Thanks to @ilian90 for inviting me this platform.