2021-10 - Carrying the Tradition Part 2

in Rucking3 years ago

Welcome to the second part of the October 2021 AZL rucking update!


When we last left off, I had just finished seeing the basic cargo straps onto the frame. In this second half of the month, I found a faster approach, and now am using these 1 Inch Sliplock® Plastic Triglide Slides with Teeth.


I didn’t cut the straps I’d already sewn, but all straps from this point forward will be secured to the frame using these slides. Continuous improvement woo woo woo…


Earlier this month I started formulating this longer route (above). Seeing as I started out at around 2-2.5 miles, initially I considered this 4.8-5 mile route to be a significant improvement in my training tools. But by the time I’d made it this far, it had become inevitable to me that I was going to need to extend my route further.


After reviewing my existing route on a physical map, I was able to plan for two additional loop-backs and one extension of the primary loop. Moving cautiously, I tested these updates individually.


In a less cautious form, the map above shows one route that I made up on the fly. I had just hit the 3 mile mark, and so I decided if I looped back, I should be able to up my distance to 6 miles, and also would avoid the part of my route that has the highest traffic…I was shocked to come in this much under the 6 mile mark, but it didn’t matter; I already knew that I didn’t like looping back.


Above, the first loop-back was tested without the main loop extension. This one addition took me up to 6 miles. It felt good, but it can be tough to force yourself to cover redundant ground when it’s after midnight and you’re on your fourth or fifth mile.


In this last map, I tested the second loop-back with the extension. This brought me up to almost 6.5 miles, and there was a full loop-back available that was not added. Making the time to ruck the new map with all loop-backs and extensions was going to be a priority for November, but I do these marches in the middle of the night and it can often be difficult to carve out more ruck time (when I should be sleeping).

October was a fun month with many exciting changes both the the load and to the route itself. I didn’t get to try the full extended route this month, but this will be forthcoming shortly!


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