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RE: | Witness Updates, Reward & Bot changes, and more!

in Hive Pizza3 years ago

Ah, thank you for the explanation. I suppose it is worth keeping things the way that they are if it prevents bots from farming !PIZZA into the ground.

On the topic of reducing the Top 10 staker rewards, I think it was the right move although the Top 10 probably wish it didn't happen. The main complaint I've heard about PIZZA is that the gap between the Top 10 and everyone else was widening considerably with just about no way for the average person to catch up without spending thousands of dollars. Good on you for making the hard decision to restructure. I am very interested to see what you come up with.


You're very welcome! We try to approach every decision from each perspective/angle before committing and always with the best interest of the project at mind. It's always hard 'taking things away' but we felt in our hearts it was right move, especially after some feedback from some of the Barony such as @shauner mentioned. We're proud to have such a strong core group of stakers!

In previous discussions, the Top10 were in support of reducing our own rewards for the betterment of the project. I’m not sure if every one of us commented on it but it was surely a majority. We’ve got a great group of early adopters that really want to see !PIZZA succeed!

Nice! Generous of you in that case.

Have a !PIZZA