cryptoniusraptor cross-posted this post in Hive Pizza last year

CHESS REFORMAT: Finales Cancelled due to non-attendance | Future plans about next month's tournament and please leave me feedback

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Woo Chess Finals Cancelled: A Call for Feedback

I am sad to inform that the last 2 WOO chess tournaments have had little attendance despite advertising the tournament and putting a legendary on the line. From now on the tournament format will be just ONE tournament a month, but for a much larger prize that might draw more people (NFTs, tokens, HIVE, HBD etc. we'll see). The 10 round tournament format was requested by players who have no longer participate in these tournaments (for quite some time), from now on there will be merely one tournament with a complete and juicey prize (as opposed to 10 smaller tournaments with lesser prizes). I have rehosted this finale 2 times after the initial date, and I'm not a fan of the results and I can detect a lack of interest in this degree of prizes for one hour of chess.



Feedback: Tell me what to change, what prizes you would like to see

What would you like to see changed about these chess tournaments? What prizes would you like to see and from which HIVE community? Let me know in the comments. Any engaging comment gets a slice of za from me.



So when will the next tournament be?

The next tournament will be next month and a summary post of prices etc. will be generated soon after the payout of this post. Thanks for following and your continued support. Bigger and better chess tournaments with spicier prizes to draw your interest will be announced shortly. Stay tuned.



All comments and feedback are appreciated, I would like to host chess tournaments worthy of your folks time. And in the timezone / timeslot most appropriate. Thank you.