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RE: A Tale of Two Pizza's Ongoing Contest (WEEK 21)

in Hive Pizza3 years ago

Yeah... I'm not really inspired by WOTW- I looked at it when I was posting in POB all the time. I looked at the Inkwell as well and felt that it is pretty constrained. I don't really want to write to a script and would rather be able to be as creative as I am feeling at the time. Tale of Two Pizza's wouldn't exist without that. Nor would the posts I have been posting in Scholar and Scribe. Imagine if I had just written to prompts and contests this whole time! I'm in Dreemport discord as well and listened in to a pimp your post Thursday while I was at work- it isn't something I can realistically participate in and wouldn't want to shill my own content there anyway! I guess we will see what happens going forward- seems a shame to know that quality posts and novel ideas that bring something new to the chain simply isn't enough- you have to jump through all the hoops as well!


I guess what I was trying to get at is that if you get involved in the communities and engage with them and become a part of them, the connections come naturally and as social capital grows, so does financial. I hope you find a way to get more eyes on your content, that works for you Dabs. These suggestions I made work nicely for me...

I fully understand what you are getting at and think I do engage with various parts of the hive community with the time I have available to spend- I can't do more than that! I do appreciate the suggestions... I think I've built some good connections with people- they might not have hefty votes though- and enjoy what I am writing and that is the main thing for me. I'll just continue doing what I've been doing!
