In this guide you will get all informations you need to become a successful farmer in the Metaverse of Farming Tales.
It is targeting New Players, but also for returner, because there have been a lot of updates through the whole last year.
What is Farming Tales?
Farming Tales is a NFT-based farming simulator on the WAX blockchain that uses Unity as a 3D graphic engine and developed. Over the last year they introduced more and more updates and also a New Waxchester town where you can play Solo, or Multiplayer Modus with other players.
You play as a farmer and build up your farm with stables, animals, gardens to harvest products like cowmilk, pork meat, wheat etc. These items can be crafted to higher quality items in New Waxchester. Windmill produces flour for wheat, Dairy cheese for milk. There are over 100 recipes right now and they have different quests going on which require certain items to fulfill and you are rewarded with NFTs or real life products.
These produced items can also be sold for the ingame currency SEST or sold for WAX to other people, who might need those items.
The different buildings and animals can be crafted ingame for items/SEST or bought from others on the secondary market like AtomicHub or Neftyblocks.
How to get started?
First of all you need a WAX wallet where you can store all your NFT and tokens for the WAX Blockchain. Two most known are the Wax Cloud Wallet and Anchor Wallet. You cand find a tutorial for sign up here. Anchor wallet allows you to manage and keep your private keys by yourself, but Wax Cloud Wallet is also a trustful option.
You also need some WAX tokens in your Wallet, which is the main currency token on the Wax Blockchain and can be bought by all bigger exchanges like Binance, Kraken, Coinbase etc.
With your WAX Wallet you can already login into the game to get a first view. Visit the Farming Tales Game. click on play and then you see 3 different options to join the game:
New Waxchester Solo mode and Multiplayer and Farm.
The Farm is where you organize your NFTs and harvest your animals, gardens and should be the first step on your Farming Tales journey.
To start earning and playing you have to buy some NFT.
I would suggest to start with animals first and you need at least 2 NFT (Housing and animal) with following combinations:
- Hen + Coop = Hen Egg
- Goose + Shelter = Goose Egg
- Goat + Stable = Goat Milk
- Cow + Stable = Cow Milk
- Sheep + Stable = Wool
- Pig + Stable = Pork Meat
The 2nd farming options are the vegetable gardens, which requires a garden NFT and crop Seeds to plant. The seeds can be purchased on the secondary market. These seeds are produced by the legendary building the greenhouse.
- Garden + Seed = carrot, hop, tomato, sunflower, blueberries etc.
You can purchase these for WAX from other players on Atomichub or Neftyblocks. These are the WAX marketplaces where you can buy and sell NFTs. Like on every marketplace there are fees applied, but only for the seller.
For most of the buildins it's also possible to buy SEST on the Alcor Exchange and craft the buildings in the ingame market. Animals and gardens can be crafted via quest for ingame products, but as a new player you don't have them available at the start. But your future animals could be bought ingame.
There are always some price fluctuations and sometimes one option is cheaper than the other, so make sure to compare the prices and make sure to read the whole guide before you purchase anything. There are also different rarities and benefits.
Rarity of Buildings and Animals
There are 4 different rarities for animals and buildings:
- Common
- Rare
- Epic
- Legendary
As in other games the market prices are higher the higher the rarity is. But what do you get for the better rarity?
Higher quality Buildings have more space and you can place more animals inside the stable / shelter / coop. This will become important if you run out of space on your farm, but for the beginning your should purchase the cheapest building based on price per animal spot.
Vegetable Gardens are used for crops and depending on the rarity you can grow more crops at the same time.
At the beginning you should check the price / spot. If your farm is getting bigger higher rarity buildings have also an advantage that the animals/area ratio is higher. Space is limited on your farm, but at the start you won't have a problem with this issue.
There are 2 special buildings the Silo and the Water Tower. These are for storage of Food for Animals and Water for plants.
Every Time you harvest an animal or a plant you have to spend a certain amount of food or water. After some time you have to refill your storage and this will cost 5 CBIT for Silo and 50 CBIT for Water. CBIT is the 2nd token for Farming Tales and can be earned by staking SEST or bought on DeFi.
The rarity of animals reduces the amounts of harvests. The animal type have fixed food costs per Harvest. The higher rarity animals multiplies the harvested items and are more convenient because you don't have to harvest them so often. In addition to this with less amounts of harvests they reduce the amount of food per SEST and become more profitable.
Important to know is that you don't have any disadvantages if you don't harvest your animals for some hours or days! You miss out on earnings but you have no cost for food and your animals won't die of starvation.
The table below is from my own spreadsheet with the latest updated values and current exchange prices for SEST, CBIT and WAX.
It shows the different animals with rarity and the amount of products they produce per harvest. The time between harvests is getting higher with the rarity, but the amount of food per harvest keeps the same. So higher rarity is less harvesting with a reduced food price.
This means you can harvest a Common Hen every 1 hour and will gain 1 hen egg and it costs 5 Food units. A Rare Hen can be harvested every 2h10m and earn you 2 hen eggs, but also costs only 5 food units.
Vegetable Gardens
Vegetable gardens are used for growing crops like wheat, tomato, zucchini, hop etc.
To grow it is required to plant the crop seeds, which can be bought on Atomichub or gained in Seed Boxes from the Greenhouse. The Greenhouse is a legendary building which produces 1 seed box per day which gives you 3 random seeds if opened.
All crops have different harvest times and using water for the harvest and are used for different recipes in New Waxchester.
How to manage your farm
I will give you an overview about your farm and a guidance through all important places and the interface. After your login with your Wax Wallet and entering the game, you see your farmer and your 3D farm. To walk around use WASD and the mouse to turn the camera. If you press "Q" button you release your mouse and you can interact with your mouse (clicking, switch tab etc.)
To continue moving just press "Q" again.
In the 3D world there are yellow stars (marked with red arrows) which shows a place where you can interact with.
At the top left you see you current status for Food, Water and Barn Storage. You should always take care of the current values. If you harvest and your barn capacity is at maximum you can't store any items and loose them.
Food and Water showing the current capacity of you Silo and Water Tower.
Move to the yellow stars next to the tractor. If you are next to it you can interact with "E" and open the map of your farm, where you can stake and harvest your buildings, animals, crops etc.
Build and Harvest
The map is in 2D and you can click all your buildings to manage the animals, crops in it. The farm is limited in space and you should place your buildings with less to no space between each other, so you don't loose a spot at a later time.
In the menu you can see all your unstaked NFTs in your wallet. To place your building click on it and then you can place it with your mouse. After this you get a request from the WAX Blockchain to confirm the staking process. If you do so your NFT is now staked and you can stake your animals in it.

The barn is to storage your harvested items. The higher rarity barn have more capactiy and you can store more products or don't have to sell that often.
If you don't have any barn staked you get 100 as standard capacity. The highest barn at the moment are Legendary Level 1 barns. These barn can be leveled up in the future by completing quests in New Waxchester.
No Barn: 100
Rare Barn: 500
Epic Barn: 1000
Legendary LV1: 1500
If you want to complete higher quality product crafts you need at least a rare barn, because you have to store a higher amount of products at the same time.
In the Barn you can see all of your products. Standard products can't be sold directly for SEST. They must be crafted to higher quality products in New Waxchester before you can sell them. The Developer want that the people interact more with the game and don't just click and sell.
You can select certain items and then sell them for SEST, but I would recommend to check first if you can get a better deal by selling it for Wax. For this you have to box the items. For this you have to go to your pickup and enter the box craft menu.
Box craft
You can craft different sizes of boxes with different quantities through all products. It's also possible to box the low quality products (eggs, wool, pork meat, milk). All you need is the minimum required quantity of the product and 1, 2 or 3 pieces of Wood for the box. You can get wood from the legendary Building Lumberjack or buy a box from the marketplace on Atomichub.
To produce a box confirm your transaction to the blockchain and after this you will get an NFT in your WAX Wallet which can be sold/transferred.
For Opening a box with products, you have to BURN the NFT. After this you will receive the product quantity in your barn. Make sure you have enough storage left!
At the start you won't own all buildings to produce all products by yourself. But if you want to complete a Quest in New Waxchester and you are missing the products for the recipe you can buy them from others, like you can sell your own products for SEST or to other people on WAX marketplace.
Silo and Water Tower
Your animals, crops and buildings require food and water for havesting. You can manage your Silo and Water Tower at your farm to refill both of them or to stake a higher rarity NFT for more capacity.
The cost for 1 refill is always the same, but depending on the rarity of the building your maximum storage is increased, which reduces the cost per food or water. The common rarity is standard and you don't need to stake it.
At the start the rare Silo and Water Tower are a cheap and great boost for your farm. Silo and Water Tower can be bought at Atomichub or crafted ingame for SEST.
Make sure you don't waste food by refilling to early.
Every refill fills up to the maximum capacity and it does not matter if you have 0 or 50 food/water left. This amount will be lost if you don't take care of this.
Make sure you are harvsting in the best possible order and try to use all food/water before you have to refill.
Refill costs:
- Water Tower: 50 CBIT
- Silo: 5 CBIT
Marketplace SEST
Next to your house is the in game Marketplace were building can be crafted for SEST. SEST is required in your ingame wallet and after the purchase you will get the NFT sent to your wallet. Now it can be staked or sold. The used SEST is burned.
It's possible to blend animals and buildings into higher rarities by using required animals and additional vouchers.
These vouchers can be bought in New Waxchester at the Voucher Market and there are 2 different versions:
- common voucher
- rare voucher
There are several options to obtain the vouchers. If you are producing a lot from a special product you can use this for buying a voucher
And if your farm is very diversified and you have products from all different animals you can buy it with 6 different products.
Animal Blend
For Blending an animal there are different combinations available. Depending on the rarity and quantity of the animal you more or less vouchers are required.
Blending an Epic Sheep can be done by 3 different blends:
- 2 Rare Sheep + 2 common voucher
- 1 Rare Sheep + 8 common voucher
- 4 Common Sheep + 4 common voucher
Building Blend
Building can be bought at the ingame Marketplace at your Farm for SEST or be blended by using animals and vouchers.
Rare vouchers are mainly used for the Silo / Water Tower and Barn blends!
A full list of all blending option is in the shared Farming Tales googlesheet from BrucetheGoose.
Tip: Before blending compare prices of the different assets. Depending on current Wax prices on Atomichub some blends might be cheaper than others.
Farming Tales also have Pets which can be staked in the game. The plan is to implement a breeding system in the future and implement the pets into the 3D Metaverse.
At the moment are existing dog and cat.
Both can be harvested and produce 260 SEST per week until the breeding system gets live and they get an other usecase. For the start of your journey don't think about it, there are many other things to do right now!
Legendary Buildings
Legendary Buildings are limited buildings which produce special products like wood, honey or fish. These buildings were limited in mint numbers and can be obtained by whitelisted sales or via completing ingame quests in New Waxchester, which require different amount of higher quality products.
Most of them are really expensive and before you buy them, you should check out the game with a lower investment first.
- Lumberjack: Wood
- Fishing Pier: Fish
- Hive: Honey
- Hemp Field: Hemp
- Vineyard: Grapes
- Olive Tree: Olive
- Peach Tree: Peach
- Wildflower: CBIT
- Greenhouse: Seed Box
You can stake the earned or purchased SEST Tokens in your ingame wallet to earn CBIT which are needed to refill your Silo or Water Tower. Deposit SEST or CBIT from your WAX Wallet into the game is free, but for withdrawal you have to pay 5% fee for SEST and 2% for CBIT. Depending on your current staking percentage of the total staking pool you will earn daily CBIT rewards.
Unstaking of SEST takes 7 days and you get paid 1/7 each day. This is compared to HIVE or SPS unstaking a really short time frame.
I have at the moment 200000 SEST staked and earn 20.42 CBIT per day. With this I can fill up the Silo 4 times per day.
You can go to New Waxchester from your farm. Go to the bus and then interact with "E". You get the request if you want to join Solo mode or Multiplayer mode. For Multiplayer you have to register first with E-Mail at Farming Tales.
Before you log into the game you can also choose to start the game direct in New Waxchester.
After driving with the New Waxchester Bus company you will land in New Waxchester a big open world city, which gets improved and expand with every patch. At the time of writing there is no minimap ingame, but a new interface with more quality of life components like the minimap is already in test mode.
For now they share a New Waxchester Map with all the buildings in their Discord.
- Green = Active Buildings
- Red = Inactive Buildings
- Teal = Shareholder Buildings
If you join New Waxchester you always start at "Start" and from there you can move to all buildings. At the moment you can drive with a tractor next to the start, but in future there will be more mini games for entertainment implemented. To play these mini games you will pay with AUREUS (3rd FT Token) which can be gained by staking SEST at the New Waxchester Bank.
In New Waxchester there is a Trader, where you can see the current quests. At the trader you can now craft common animals by completing the quest. For a common goat you need 393 goat milk in your barn to complete the quest.
Also the Vegetable Gardens can be crafted here. Make sure to check out the new quests or join the Farming Tales Discord where they announce special events and quests like now for the limited Wheat Field and Corn Field quest.
Some materials can be traded for other goods. Right now there are 4 quests available. This quests are at the moment the only way to get iron chunk and coal ingame.
You can trade Corn and Wheat for standard products wool, pork meat, and goat milk. Keep an eye on new quests. Sometimes it's cheaper to trade items than to harvest or buy them off market.
Product Crafting
At the moment Farming Tales has 100 recipes for crafting products. Below I have a screenshot from the current Dairy and Butcher recipes. A summary of all recipes you can find in this spreadsheet from Farming Tales made by BruceTheGoose.
Some recipes like Ice Cream or Salami require a large amount of products to craft. With every crafting you increase the product sest value by approx. 10%. Many of the products are required for quests. If you have the time and ressource you can try to complete the quest by yourself or you focus on crafting products and sell them via box crafting to other people who want to complete the quest.
To craft the product you must visit the building (take a look at the NW Map). There you see the required and your item quantity from your barn. If you have all products, you can craft the product and it will be send directly to your barn.
You can craft multiple products per one transaction.
New Waxchester Buildings / Game Shares
For crafting products in New Waxchester are different Buildings available, which are owned by the game, one player or multiple players with 2% shares. Every time an item is crafted a 5% fee is paid, which goes to the building owner. You don't have to worry about paying the fee, because they reduced the crafted items prices by this 5% amount.
These NW buildings are sold from time to time for SEST on Neftyblocks. This will be announced in advance in the Discord and you have to trade in a voucher for the whitelisting. The requirements for this quest are low and only require a few basic items. Which product you have to craft will be told approx. 5 min before the sale starts. This prevent that bots have an advantage at the sale by scripted purchases.
The SESTs from the sale are burned.
New Waxchester is all time growing in population and the city is built up with more and more buildings.
In Farming Tales are at the moment 3 tokens with different usecases available.
SEST can be earned by selling products direct in the game in exchange for the SEST quantity of the item. It has a supply of 100,000,000,000 Sestertii. They are not created out of nowhere, and there is no pool that already contains them all. Sestertii are generated regularly based on users earnings.
SEST is used for crafting buildings ingame, buying game shares and for staking to earn CBIT and AUREUS.
The CBIT is the second token of Farming Tales and is useful for paying for commodities like harvest all. The main use of CBIT is to buy water and food for your farm, without it will not be possible to feed the animals and to water the gardens.
They are created daily and placed in a pool just enough to ensure that all animals and plants staked on farms can be fed and irrigated.
CBITs are distributed daily to players based on the amount of SESTs they decide to stake within Farming Tales. The percentage of CBIT allocated to each user is equal to the percentage of the SEST pool share.
If the total amount of SEST staked is 1,000,000 and you have staked 10,000 you would get 1% of the daily paid out CBIT.
The third token is with a limited maximum supply of 21,000,000 that will be distributed to metavers users over the next 10 years.
50% percent of the max supply will be airdropped to the stakeholders according to the staked amount of SEST or CBIT (at the New Waxchester Bank). The airdrop will be decreased year by year until it reaches 0 after 10 years.
The rest of the AUREUS are reserved for future events, partnerships and collaborations with other blockchains.
AUREUS will be the token that will move the metaverse economy, and all activities within it will be paid or rewarded thanks to it. Future implemented mini games in New Waxchester will be paid with AUREUS.
At the moment AUREUS is not tradeable on any Exchange.
There is also a governance token called LIRA for Farming Tales. This is non-tradable, can not be sold or traded between players. This can be used to take part in elections or for votes in a later DAO system.
One drop happened, but they priorized the New Waxchester updates and improvements so far.
Taco App
With the Taco app you can manage your wallet and NFTs of the WAX blockchain. It's also possible to swap, transfer and track the charts. The Taco app with wallet overview and swap is free, but for different Taco tools you only get access with purchasing the Taco Sauce NFTs in the Taco Shop or in the Taco App.
Why do i mention this app in the Farming Tales Guide? Because Taco supports Farming Tales! Only requirement is to hold the Taco Sauce NFT in your wallet to get access to the game.
For Farming Tales you need the Farming Tales Sauce which cost 60 TACO, but most of the time you can get it cheaper on AtomicHub.
With this NFT in the Wallet you are able to manage your harvesting in the Taco App. From now on you only need your phone with the app and can harvest from everywhere and anytime!
You should definitve think about it, because it's more convenient and you could harvest animals more often, if you don't have access to your PC all day.
You can see the current food and water amount in the Silo / Water Tower and can refill them in the app.
There is also a barn overview in the game, where you can check your current products.
All your animals that are placed in a building are listed and the countdown for the next harvest is shown. If the animal is ready for Harvest the button enables and you can approve this action to the blockchain and earn your SEST.
It's also possible to add or remove animals from the buildings that are already placed ingame. Because of the map with the positioning of the buildings it's required to place them in the game itself and can't be done in the Taco app.
Real life products
Farming tales also offers NFTs, which are linked to real life farm products, like honey, saffran or olive oil.
If you own these NFT they provide percentage of a basic production of real products and at the end of each real season (e.g. Summer for honey, autumn for saffron), the real products are harvested on the real life farms and each owner will be entitled his share. At this point it can be decided whether to have the product sent to an adress, or whether to delegate the sale to Farming Tales by collecting the receiving equal value in wax (or other crypto).
In New Waxchester at the Traders there is a quest available which is limited to 5 and after finishing it you will receive an NFT as voucher for Real Life Farming Tales shoes.
This is a great way to combine games with real life products, and they are constantly expanding with new ideas and products.
Make sure to join the Farming Tales Discord Server to get the announcements of game updates and quests for new NFTs right in time. If you need help there are always moderators and team members online to help you.
Also the whole community is really helpful and provide tactics, tips and spreadsheets for all kind of calculations.
They also have auctions and trivias with prizes on a regular basis. Compete with other people in the crafting events and get rewarded with Animals, Buildings, SEST or CBIT for your ranking.
I hope this Guide was helpful and you will start your Farming Tales journey soon. Farming Tales is not a Oneclicker and Play to earn game were people only care to withdraw value out of the game. The developers try to focus on the game and focus on the ingame crafting in New Waxchester. This was one of the reasons for the latest update, that basic products can't sold directly for SEST any longer.
People have now to engage with New Waxchester and think about crafting products. I like this mindset to focus the gaming and the developers did a great job during the whole last year and communicated actively with the community.
Link Collection:
Farming Tales Whitepaper
Farming Tales Spreadsheet from BruceTheGoose
Farming Tales Calculation ToolFarming Tales Calculation Tool
edit: added the new blending feature.
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