A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays and for three he stays.
Ah where would we be without our feline friends...possibly still in the stone age!
Those ancient egyptians sure were onto something! It continues to inspire...as does your work. Great job!
Say hello to my friend Cola! He likes your art too ^^
Wow, those beautiful emeralds! Cola is definitely a handsome prince! I am glad he approves! haha.
You're probably right! I feel like there would have been a few more plagues throughout history. So many rodents! 🤣
What is fascinating is that a lot of cultures respected or revered cats in some way. Then there was just that really crazy time in history where they were considered in association with witches and persecuted. Ruining their reputation. (Looking at you European Middle Ages)
But alas! Now we must pay the fealty! A lifetime of love and affection!