Buzz Kill - 1 | Far Cry New Dawn

in Gaming Photography2 days ago

Do you remember Grace Armstrong from Far Cry 5? I helped her fighting a bunch of cults when she was trying to protect some graves and a church. Grace is old now and she lost sight of her eyes but she's still a soldier, though she's trapped somewhere and needed my help with something.

Grace told me vai the comms that she was being guarded by the highwaymen so I first looked around for possible threats but I didn't see anyone so I went inside and there I noticed this highwayman on that roof first and when I opened fire, I found more of them and I shot all of them down.

Then I started collecting some scrapfarm as I noticed there were total four of them around this place and I guess that works on something so I kept looking for more of them and I found total three of them.

Grace was walking around as she heard the gunshots and knew I was there for but I was busy looking for the scrapfarms. When I went to speak to her, she thanked Carmina as Carmina took me to Hope County.

Grace said she'd be fighting right beside me if she was not blind but she's still trying to put her hands to good use. When she realized she couldn't aim and shoot like she used to, she built a gun where none of that would matter. Problem is the highwaymen stole it from her and kept it at the old Train Yard.

The mission was mostly about getting the special weapon of Grace back from the highwaymen so I was going towards the old Rail Yard but suddenly I noticed this lady highwayman aiming at wild animals so I took her down to reduce threat around.

Then I tried to take down this wild bear using the sniper rifle of the highwayman. The beer was too strong that it didn't go down with few bullets and it escaped.

I noticed a merchant walking by the side of the road so I ran to him to refill my ammo and then I noticed this truck was coming towards us. I shot down the driver and then I noticed there was a mini truck right behind the big one that was used to guard the other one.

I shot everyone down and then I started driving the mini truck but I was hearing a strange noise so I used the photo mode to check around and I noticed the dead body of that highwayman was stuck under the vehicle and it was making the noise.

I noticed outpost on my way which is a refinery. I may start taking down the outposts very soon but not that day as I was on a special mission already.

After reaching the old Rail Yard, I climbed up on that tower first to check on the enemies and I noticed some highwaymen on the compound so I decided to go quiet to make it as easy as possible.

This lady was my first target who was poking some animals there. I tried to take her down in stealth so my character made a hole under her left arm pit first and then put the knife into her head before she could even understand what was actually happening there.

Then I moved the body inside a train compartment so the other highwaymen guarding the area doesn't notice her.

There was another lady on guard right above the train compartment where I just did the assassination a moment ago. I stabbed her in the neck when there was another one of them walking right below us that you should see on the photo above.

I didn't have to go for a manual takedown as my character take care of it when I jump on someone being undetected. I hid this dead body with the other one as I noticed other highwaymen around and I didn't want them to know yet that I was there to take them all down.

How about we continue in another post?

Thanks for reading my post.


Just seeing the cover of the man stabbing the woman gave me some chills, especially in the area where he did it, but the landscapes and flowers in this game look very colorful.

 2 hours ago  

Yeah the moment of that cover was really special and I like these killing styles of this game a lot.

@tipu curate 8

 2 hours ago  

Hi greetings and thanks a lot for the support.