Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning.The Codex of Destiny. Part II. [ENG+ESP]

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Greetings friends of the community. Today I bring you the continuation of my adventures in Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning to be more exact I bring you the second part of my adventure called "The Codex of Destiny".

If you haven't seen the first part don't worry, I leave it here here.

Well, continuing the story earlier, I had made a long trek to the first dungeon of the game, inside which was the "Theater of Sino". After reaching the top of the theater we arrived at the anteroom where there was a pedestal where the codex rested.

Spanish Version Here

Saludos amigos de la comunidad. El día de hoy les traigo la continuación de mis aventuras en Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning para ser más exacto les traigo la segunda parte de mi aventura llamada “El Códice del Destino”.

Si no han visto la primera parte no se preocupen, pues se las dejo aquí.

Bien, continuando con la historia anteriormente, había hecho una larga travesía hacia la primera mazmorra del juego, dentro de la cual se encontraba el “Teatro del Sino”. Luego de llegar hasta lo alto del teatro llegamos a la antesala en la cual se encontraba un pedestal donde reposaba el códice.

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After touching the pedestal and having the lights roll all around me, I could confirm that I had indeed obtained the codex. But all the tranquility would be interrupted by a scream coming from a group of Tathua assassins who had followed me. Luckily Alin Shir (the elf that appeared in the first part next to the lifeless body of the weaver of destiny) came after them and was very helpful in eliminating them.

Spanish Version Here

Luego de tocar el pedestal y de que unas luces me rodaran por completo, puede confirmar que efectivamente había obtenido el códice. Pero toda la tranquilidad sería interrumpida por un grito proveniente de un grupo de asesinos tathua que me habían seguido. Por suerte Alin Shir (la elfa que apareció en la primera parte al lado del cuerpo sin vida del tejedor del destino) venía tras de ellos y me fue de mucho ayuda para eliminarlos.

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After eliminating the enemies, Alin Shir congratulates me for my achievements and tells me that she knows someone who can interpret what it says in the codex. As this information is very helpful, I agree to meet with her in the gardens of the summer faes (that's how the elves of the nobility call themselves).

The trip was not short, but neither did anything relevant happen that is worth showing what I did find is the way to zoom in to take better pictures. I still can't reach the photo mode, but something is something, even if I forget sometimes.

Well, back to the plot. Inside one of the garden chambers I meet a fae who assures me that the codex I possess is a fake, since the original was created with the magic of the high fae king and that he would not accept what is written in the codex. I for one am sure that it is the real one, so I agree to go in search of a second opinion.

Spanish Version Here

Luego de eliminar a los enemigos, Alin Shir me felicita por mis logros y me comenta que conoce a alguien que puede interpretar lo que dice en el códice. Al ser de mucha ayuda esa información acepto reunirme con ella en los jardines de los faes (así se hacen llamar los elfos de la nobleza) de verano.

El viaje no fue corto, pero tampoco ocurrió algo relevante que valga la pena mostrar lo que sí encontré es la forma de acercar más la imagen para hacer mejores fotos. Aún no logro alcanzar el modo foto, pero algo es algo, aunque se me olvide a veces.

Bueno, volviendo a la trama. Dentro de unos de los aposentos del jardín me encuentro a un fae que asegura que el códice que poseo es falso, ya que el original fue creado con la magia del alto rey fae y que él no aceptaría lo que está escrito en el códice. Yo por mi parte estoy seguro de que es el verdadero, así que acepto ir en busca de una segunda opinión.

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This time it would not be a someone, but a something that would help me. I know it sounds complicated, but my goal was to ask an ancient entity to help me meet the king of the fae himself to confirm whether the codex was true or not.

With this in mind I set out on a new journey to even more distant lands. During this journey I traveled through new scenarios of the map and I saw how little by little the vegetation and the climate were changing before me.

Spanish Version Here

Esta vez no sería un alguien, sino a un algo lo que me ayudaría. Sé que suena complicado, pero mi objetivo era pedir a una entidad antigua que me ayudara a conocer al propio rey de los fae para que me confirmara si el códice era verdadero o no.

Con esto en mente emprendí un nuevo viaje a unas tierras aún más lejanas. Durante este viaje recorrí nuevos escenarios del mapa y vi como poco a poco iban cambiando ante mi tanto la vegetación como el clima.

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During this trip I took the opportunity to forge a sword with the resources obtained in previous adventures. Although the daggers had a good performance, they were not really according to my character's equipment, class and fighting style. This new sword would be of fire type like the daggers but with a higher base damage.

Spanish Version Here

Durante este viaje aproveché para forjarme una espada con los recursos obtenidos en previas aventuras. Y es que si bien las dagas tenían un buen desempeño, en realidad no eran acorde al equipamiento, clase y estilo de pelea de mi personaje. Esta nueva espada sería de tipo fuego al igual que las dagas pero con un daño base superior.

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After testing my sword a bit, I continued on my way. This time I came across a statue that did not fit in with the surroundings. This statue reminded me a bit of the ones from World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria and after inspecting it a bit I decided to continue on my way, since it didn't seem to be anything special.

Spanish Version Here

Luego de probar un poco mi espada continúe mi camino. Esta vez me encontré con una estatua que no encajaba con el entorno. Esta estatua me recordaba un poco a las de World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria y tras inspeccionar un poco decidí continuar mi camino, ya que no parecía ser nada especial.

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I continue walking without leaving the path and still I found curious things like another singing stone, a hooded man who suggested me to join a suspicious brotherhood and I also crossed a bridge called "The Guardian Troll Bridge".

About the singing stone there is not much to say, as I have encountered several before, but about the hooded man we must say that after talking to him I found a mission called "Guided Hands" so we can already imagine what is going on with these people. We also have the case of the bridge that in itself was nothing special, but its name is very similar to that of a fable.

Spanish Version Here

Continúo caminando sin salir del sendero y aun así me encontré con cosas curiosas como otra piedra cantora, un encapuchado que me sugirió unirme a una hermandad sospechosa y también crucé por un puente llamado “El Puente del Troll Guardián”.

Sobre la piedra cantora no hay mucho que decir, ya que he encontrado varias anteriormente, pero sobre el encapuchado sí hay que decir que luego de hablar con él me apareció una misión que se llama “Manos Guiadas” así que ya podemos imaginar de que va la cosa con esa gente. También tenemos el caso del puente que en sí no tenía nada de otro mundo, pero es que su nombre es muy parecido al de una fábula.

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Once I left everything behind I set out to enter the area where the home of the being I was to visit was located. As usual they would not make it so easy for me and I had to face some giant wolf-like things that walked like T-Rex dinosaurs and fed on the corpse of an animal that I had not seen before and that I hope to meet later.

Spanish Version Here

Una vez que deje todo atrás me dispuse a entrar en la zona donde se encontraba el hogar del ser al que debía visitar. Como de costumbre no me la pondrían tan fácil y tuve que enfrentarme a unas cosas parecidas a lobos gigantes que caminaban como dinosaurios T-Rex y que se alimentaban del cadáver de un animal que no había visto antes y que espero encontrarme más adelante.

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After T-Rex wolves (to call them somehow) I crossed a river and on the other side I met a new type of enemy called "Trillo". Enemy before which I did not hesitate to enter into frenzy mode to be able to face him, since when I approached his name seemed to me in violet. Luckily I had enough energy to enter this combat mode, since the enemies with the violet name are very difficult to face with my current level.

Spanish Version Here

Luego de lobos T-Rex (por llamarlos de alguna forma) cruce un río y al otro lado me encuentro con un nuevo tipo de enemigo llamado “Trillo”. Enemigo ante el cual no dudé en entrar en modo frenesí para poder enfrentarlo, ya que al acercarme al su nombre me pareció en violeta. Por suerte contaba con suficiente energía del sino para entrar en este modo de combate, puesto que los enemigos con el nombre violeta son muy difíciles de enfrentar con mi nivel actual.

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Finally, after so much walking and so much beating around the bush, I can reach the lair of the entity that was supposed to help me. I thought that his lair would be a castle, a cave or something like that, but no. I had a brightly lit and lively garden before my eyes, inhabited by fae. Before my eyes I had a brightly lit garden full of life, inhabited by fae that took care of it.

Spanish Version Here

Al fin, luego de tanto caminar y tanto andar repartiendo golpes, puede llegar a la guarida de la entidad que se supone me ayudaría. Pensé que su guarida sería un castillo, una cueva o algo por el estilo, pero no. Ante mis ojos tenía un jardín muy iluminado y lleno de vida, habitado por faes que cuidaban de él.

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As I went a little further I noticed that the structure of the site consisted of a huge tree with a spiral, which was a path leading to it. Seeing that no one seemed to be the person or being I was supposed to see, I decided to head towards the tree.

Spanish Version Here

Al adentrarme un poco me percato de que la estructura del sitio consistía en un enorme árbol con de espiral, la cual era un sendero que llevaba hacia él. Al ver que nadie parecía ser la persona o el ser al que debía ver, decidí dirigirme hacia el árbol.

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Halfway down the trail, a thunderous voice told me to get to the top, where it would be waiting for me. That seemed to be the voice of the being I should ask for help. But what would be my surprise when I reached the chasm and realized that the tree itself was the being that was talking to me.

Spanish Version Here

A mitad de camino por el sendero, una voz atronadora me dijo que llegara hasta la cima que allí me esperaría. Esa parecía ser la voz del ser al que debía pedirle ayuda. Pero cuál sería mi sorpresa al llegar a la sima y darme cuenta de que el árbol en sí era el ser que me hablaba.

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This tree seems to know me and Alin Shir, he knows about my past life and what I want to ask of him. He lets me know that he can make me see the king of the fae, but that I have to help him first with a matter.

Spanish Version Here

Este árbol parece conocerme a mí y a Alin Shir, conoce de mi vida pasada y lo que quiero pedirle. Me hace saber que él puede hacerme ver al rey de los faes, pero que tengo que ayudarlo antes con un asunto.

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Evidently, this story will have a third part in which we will help the tree to help us reach the king's court, where we will know if the codex we carry is true and if we are the saviors or destroyers of the world. It will continue...

Spanish Version Here

Evidentemente, esta historia tendrá una tercera parte en la cual ayudaremos al árbol para que nos ayude a llegar a la corte del rey, donde sabremos si el códice que portamos es verdadero y si somos los salvadores o destructores del mundo. Continuará…


Thank you very much for reading my post. If you liked it, please leave a comment and consider following me so you don't miss my next posts. I'd love to know your opinion and your thoughts about the topic I discussed in this post, see you in the next one!

Muchas gracias por leer mi post. Si te gustó, por favor deja un comentario y considera seguirme para no perderte mis próximas publicaciones. Me encantaría saber tu opinión y tus ideas sobre el tema que traté en este post. ¡Nos vemos en el próximo!


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 last year  

Reckoning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love, loveeeeeee! I played it a lot on the XBOX
Are you playing it on PC?
Oops this will be my next challenge. I loved the screenshots you shared they are too great!
That arc is fantastic, well I used to use Chakrams, hahahahahah I had more fun all those lights spinning around me, ay no too good this! Thanks for sharing.

Reckoning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amo, amoooooooooooooooooooo! Lo jugaba mucho en la XBOX
estas jugandolo desde la PC?
Uy este será mi siguiente reto. Amé las capturas que compartiste son demasiado estupendas!
Ese arco es fantástico, bueno yo usaba Chakrams, jajajaj me divertia más toda sesas luces girando en torno a mi, ay no demasiado bueno esto! Gracias por compartir.

Yo también lo amo. Lo estoy jugando desde PC. Los aros también eran mis armas favoritas, pero considero que hacen muy fácil pasarse el juego.

I didn't know about this game, the story is interesting, and the graphics are quite good.

But I wouldn't want to meet the creature that the T-rex were eating, it looks like it could be a pretty entertaining fight.

 last year (edited) 

I see you got some cool beasts on your way. Both your sword and the bow looks powerful with the lightning and flame. Great takes.

BTW, I've been noticing your comments on other peoples contents for some days and I believe you're using Chat GPT or other AI to get those comments. Sometimes I also use Chat GPT to get idea and that's how I found similarities on most/all of your comments. I'd suggest you stop doing that and engage naturally. You don't need to leave a long comments, just write whatever you learned from the content or don't comment at all. If you wish, you can get ideas but don't just copy from there and paste them here.

Thanks for your understanding.

I promise not to do it anymore, although I didn't think it was a bad thing. Even so, I repeat that it will not happen again.

 last year (edited) 

Its great that you didn't think twice to admit it.

although I didn't think it was a bad thing

If I'm not wrong, you copy texts of the contents and you ask the AI to give you suitable comment. Then you copy paste the comment under those contents. In this way, you don't even need to read or see what the content is about, so how's this engagement? And after that, I don't understand why you didn't think it was a bad thing.

I repeat that it will not happen again

Sounds great.

Anyway, I will continue commenting on all the posts I can, but this time I will do it on my own.

Yeah, that's what we're looking for as this is true engagement and in this way, you might learn a lot of things reviewing others content properly.
Good luck.

Yay! 🤗
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