Asav handed over the tusk to his buyer and it turned out the buyer is none other than Orca who hijacked Shoreline from Nadine. Asav left the place leaving the task to Orca and Orca was flying around on a chopper keeping the tusk while the ground was filled with couple dozens of guards.
When Chloe and Sam thought the tusk just went out of their hands, Nadine said they'd stick around to clean house first and here cleaning house means us, the heroes of this concept. We decided to bring the sucker down so I made the first move with jumping into the water ahead.
Chloe's jumping style into the water cheered me up. Just check how awesome she looked when she was going for a deep dive. The chopper was around when I took the jump but I was not seen.
I got out of the water and took cover first so the chopper don't see me as I was planning to go as long as I could in stealth. Then I was using the abandoned rail compartments as my cover while getting close to the guards around.
I made that guard in the hiding zone my first target and when I was getting close to him, I noticed the others joined me there as well.
Then I took the first one down carefully and I had to be extra careful with the next one as there were other guards around and the chopper was also flying above us.
Fortunately Chloe dragged the second body into the hiding zone otherwise the guards would start looking for us if they'd see the body.
I got confused there when I had one on this side and another one carrying a sniper rifle above a train compartment on the other side. I had to be sure about the safest side.
And I understood it'd be wiser to take down the one above the train compartment as he'd have a higher chance to see me if I'd go for the other one. So I climbed and waited for the right moment when Sam and Nadine were also moving around being seen but the jokers won't start fighting till they detect me.
When I took him down, there was a high risk I'd be detected as the other one on the ground was too close but fortunately he was too dumb to hear the noise of the fall.
Now I was waiting for the perfect moment to take down this guard who as wearing a helmet so it'd be harder to take him down in stealth but possible.
I didn't wait when I noticed it'd be wise to attack him now, so I went for him and after removing his helmet, I took him down and I was almost caught by another guard whom I didn't notice till then.
This is the guard who almost messed up my plan but somehow I dodged his sight and he was too lazy to check out what was happening around. And I took him down a moment later.
The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.