The Tusk of Ganesh, the Real One.

in Gaming Photographylast month (edited)

The King had one final test for us and Asav wanted Chloe on it as she was the expert of this Hindu story. I failed there for several times but at last I understood what it was about and Asav got the prize. This time, it's the real Tusk of Ganesh that was covered with pure gold, diamond and ruby.

Before allowing Chloe to do this work, Asav talked a little about the story. He said Shiva gave Parashurama the mighty axe, that struck Ganesh in the face, brining Shiva's son to his knees.

I had nothing to do but do what Asav was saying or he'd kill Sam and Nadine inch by inch. Before trying the disk, I decided to look around first and I got two switch that unveiled two arts where one of them showed Shiva with Parashurama and the other one showed Parashurama and Ganesh.

There was this puzzle in between the two photos. After solving the puzzle, Parashurama yielded the axe as per the solved photo in the middle and it was going to fall on Chloe if I'd finish it.

I could change Ganesh's arms position and had to do it but I tried finishing it without changing arms position to see what happens and Parashurama landed his axe on Chloe.

Then I understood I'd have to change Ganesh's arms position as per the solved puzzle shows. Means, Ganesh had to lower all his hands and when I finished doing it, Parashurama still used the axe but stopped right before it'd hit Chloe's neck.

Then Chloe said Ganesh allowed himself to be struck by the axe when he could've defeated Parashurama easily but if he had, that'd be made Shiva's axe look weak.

Both statues of Parashurama and Ganesh went below and the Tusk of Ganesh came up for Asav to take. After holding the magnificent jewel, Asav was so excited.

After getting the prize, Asav said he'd like to kill them himself but he must not anger the gods as they brought him a great fortune. He asked his guards to tie them and then they'd floor the chamber.

Now when Chloe was trying to concentrate on unlocking her handcuffs, Sam and Nadine still were fighting each other. I unlocked the lockpick right when the water hits the floor. And then I was trying to unlock Nadine's lockpick first through I didn't have another choice there.

I was close to unlock her lockpick but the water level increased fast and I unlocked Nadine's lockpick when we drowned under water. Then I was trying to unlock Sam's but Chloe didn't have enough breath to concentrate so she tried to break the railing.

Chloe wouldn't be able to do it alone so Nadine joined and she broke Sam's handcuffs using a brick and we started to swim up.

All of them were alive and doing good it seemed though Sam was coughing and saying he should quit smoking. So we found the treasure but we lost it and now we need to go for Asav.

The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.



The tusk looked incredible, but this shot turned out even more amazing:

Without a doubt, it was my favorite capture.

 last month  

Thanks. The tusk was stunning but I wish I could move the photo mode at that scene so I could take even greater frame out of that moment.

Sending Love and Ecency Curation Vote!
Follow Eceny's curation trail to earn better APR on your own HP. : )

 last month  

Thank you.

Great captures 🤗
@tipu curate 8

 last month  

Thank you.

You're most welcome 🤗

I am impressed with the brilliance of this treasure, it gives you the realistic feeling that it is something very expensive, your captures were very amazing.

 last month  

Thanks for the kind words and for understanding.

Thank you for sharing with us.💙

Nice screenshots, you got a great result.

Written by lionsaturbix

 last month  

Thank you. I'm happy with how they turned out.